

A proprietary build that belongs to ADVENTUREBUILD UNILIMITED - It is 3x3 / 4x4meter / 5x5meter / 6x6meter buildings used for home/office/shop. These buildings are self sufficient as much as possible. They go up with 3 - 5 levels and down with 2 3 levels.

The lower ground floor (-2) has a equal side quads so size = depending on which size the building and also the car gate (ramp access), garage (underground) and kitchen (-1).

These buildings should be designed so that they can stand for many years and then when you get there it is as if new - using advanced technology and entirely self sufficient also hand print access and emergency exits.

I first have to build 100 of them before I get a set price for the different types. I intend to have a dymamic price list that you can choose which addons you want. Starting price for a basic build would be somewhere from £5 000 000 with the advanced build somewhere to £100 000 000 (might include cleaing bots, etc).