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2) Who can I report to online?

If something happens online, there are several places you can turn for help. The authorities vary by state/country, so be sure to check local resources for the appropriate contact info. Your first stop should be the police department , where officers are trained in investigating these kinds of cases and will know how to work with your Internet service provider (ISP) to find the culprit. If it's a federal matter, then you can try contacting an agent at: FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation Internet Fraud Complaint Center: U.S. Federal Trade Commission


Online dating can be a tricky business.

When the idea of it first entered the mainstream consciousness, most people thought of it as something weird or even disgusting. Then along came " The Rules ." That book did more than just give men and women alike some guidelines for online dating. It turned online dating into an acceptable way to meet future partners.

Little did we know that "The Rules" was only the beginning, not the end game in how to play this game using your head instead of your heart/genitals.

Today's article will look at fool-proof ways to make sure you aren't wasting your time when looking for someone special online. Even better? We'll tell you what to avoid so you don't waste YOUR time!


Online dating isn't just for people who are tired of the bar scene, or whose social circles have dwindled to almost nothing. It's a way to meet someone new that is also amazing. If you think that there's anything "less than" about online dating, then please take your head out of your ass and stop reading now. (Whoa….very hostile response.)

There are actually quite a few websites dedicated solely to helping you find someone , like OkCupid . Then you've got sites like that make finding love an art form all on its own. And if it doesn't work out? Well…at

-A man meets a woman online and they quickly connect over the phone. They seem to be hitting it off great! After talking for hours on end, exchanging personal details about their lives, and discussing what they want in a future partner - he asks her out on a date. And she accepts!