adult dyslexia testing

Why It's Important to Test For Dyslexia in Adults

If you or someone you know has trouble with reading, spelling, writing, and/or maths, it’s important to take an online dyslexia test. These tests can be a great first step, but it’s crucial to talk with a medical professional about a full diagnostic evaluation. A thorough evaluation can help determine the type and severity of dyslexia, as well as identify other learning disabilities, if any. This information can help individuals receive the appropriate support in school, work, and life, so they can succeed.

Dyslexia is a complex condition that affects the way the brain processes language. Although many people who struggle with dyslexia are highly intelligent, they can find it challenging to keep up in school, work, and daily activities. If undiagnosed or untreated, it can cause frustration, low self-esteem, and poor academic or career performance.

People who have a family history of dyslexia may be at higher risk for the disorder, but anyone who has difficulty with reading can benefit from being screened. Symptoms of dyslexia include a difficulty learning to read, difficulty with spelling, poor written communication skills, and trouble solving problems and making decisions. It’s also important to note that dyslexia is not a disease and it does not affect intelligence.

Adults with dyslexia often have to work harder than their peers to succeed. This extra effort can build determination and inner-strength, qualities that help adults with dyslexia go far in their careers. Despite these difficulties, most adults with dyslexia can overcome them by receiving the right literacy intervention and strategies.

A dyslexia checklist and/or screener can be helpful tools in promoting self-understanding and providing a pointer to the need for further assessment. For example, a list of common symptoms, such as losing track of their place when reading or confusing visually similar words (cat and cot), is an indicator that further evaluation may be needed.

However, online dyslexia tests are limited in their ability to diagnose a person with dyslexia because they do not take into account an individual’s unique history and learning style, as well as other factors. These tests are also prone to errors and are not designed or administered by a trained professional.

A comprehensive dyslexia evaluation involves a number of tests and assessments, and typically takes a few hours for children and up to eight hours for adults. It can also involve an in-depth family and education history, particularly if dyslexia is hereditary. This information is essential to understanding the types and severity of dyslexia, as well other related conditions such as dyscalculia, which affects maths ability.

The process of getting diagnosed can be a daunting task for some adults, but it’s worth the effort to have a clear picture of strengths and challenges in order to obtain proper support at school, work, and in everyday life.

Learn more about Adult Dyslexia.