September 2019

Adrover family SPAIN

Hello The weather still hot, but summer, with its extra work, is coming to an end.

August we have had the family camp, with 11 families that have come to spend a few days of disconnecting from their responsibilities in their jobs and reconnecting with God, it has been an excellent week. The adventure camp has also just finished, with 135 young people between 12 and 18 years old, willing to have fun and learn. All of them have heard the message of salvation in a special way. Now our focus is on other things that also have to be done. The work never ends in the Lord’s vineyard, although the rhythm changes from season to season.

During September in L'Arcada


we will all take a few days off. Even so, at the end of the month we will have the first retreat of this course for the discipleship programs’ teens, our “Canfev”. Also at the end of the month we will receive a team from Alabama that will come to help us in some projects that we have to finish.

In Youngstars ( the course also begins with expectation, and an excursion to start is already programed, below you have the information. If you want to sign up, you are still on time! At church we resume the rhythm. On Sunday the 15th the Sunday School begins again, and on the 16th the Bible School. During the summer there has been a weekly evangelistic outing for children of Muslim background, and now, during the first week of this month, we will have a specific campaign focused on young people. Pray for all who have heard and those who will hear the gospel these days, that we may see fruit for eternity. ( Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine 2 Timothy 4:2 Thank you very much for holding us in prayer for these requests: * Give thanks for a summer where we have been able to see the hand of the Lord working in very different ways, despite the difficulties of a time of change like the one we are living.

* Give thanks for all the children and young people we have been able to serve, that the seed sown in their hearts brings fruit for salvation. * Keep praying for the board of L'Arcada, wisdom from the Lord for them in the decisions they are making.

* Pray for the campaigns at church, that would be to give Glory to God.

With lots of love.

Pedro, Viky and Rut Adrover