November 2019

Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.For there is no authority except from God,and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Romans 13:1 Hello The political situation in Spain still complicated, Catalonia still fights for independence and the Spanish government doesn’t have the intention of talk and find a solution. The fight is more in the streets rather than political, as you can see in the pictures, and this is not the way. Please, pray. At church we are already fully preparing and organizing the Children Sunday school Christmas service. It is always a challenge with so few children we have. In Youngstars, the activities are being a success, times of fellowship and challenges in the outside. For next Saturday, the 16th, a solidarity dinner is being organized to raise funds for the ministry. We know that you are far away and cannot come, so we want to offer you the option of make your contribution as a donation, reserving your seat in the zero row. Thus, together we can see the ministry grow and reach many. You can do it with an on-line transfer to this account: IBAN: ES78 0049 6059 9220 1634 1401 SWIFT: BSCHESMMXXX

As you know, every missionary in L'Arcada should raise their own economic support. Sometimes it is difficult to reach 100% of what is necessary each month, and for this reason each family has a fund from where we can take in the low months. We would like to encourage you to contribute to our fund with some amount, no matter if it is large or small, adding together will help us complete what is necessary each month next year. Remember that any donation you make before December 31st. can be tax deductible for next year. You can send any donation to Greater Europe Mission PO box 1669 Monument, Co 80132 . Missionary project # 58762 Adrover. Or clicking on the link below. * Pray for the political situation in Spain. * Pray for Youngstars’ outdoor activities, safety and good spiritual results. * For the solidarity dinner of YS. That enough can be raised to face the new year. * Let's not stop praying for L'Arcada’s board. May they know how to seek the will of God in their decisions. With lots of love. Pedro, Viky and Rut Adrover.