October 2019


15 people have come to know Christ this summer in L'Arcada and 32 young believers have re-dedicated their lives to the service of the Lord. To God be the glory! This is what makes us move forward and not look around, this is the purpose for which we do everything, to make Jesus known and the Good News of Salvation that he came to offer, and to guide young people in their Christian walk. It is our prayer that we never lose sight of this!

There have been more than 500 people who have pass through L'Arcada this summer and, if we count the groups outside the summer, we have been able to serve more than 700 people. It is a privilege to be able to put our grain of sand in their lives and a blessing to see that the Lord can still use us for His purposes.

Right now, we have here a work team from Alabama working at camp trying to finish the bungalows. Thanks God for them!, we hope we can use these facilities soon.

We keep our eyes on the future, hoping to see what the Lord has in storage for L'Arcada.

In Youngstars (https://www.youngstars.es/copia-de-youngstars) the work still non-stopping, there are already several outdoor activities prepared, as well as training for leaders etc… Dan and his team are doing a great job with the youth inside the churches.

At church, we continue with the activities, the Children Sunday School is underway, this year we have 18 children to minister. Pray for them and the teachers.

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine

2 Timothy 4:2

Some prayer requests:

* For the 15 children and young people who have accepted the gift of Salvation this summer. May they continue to grow in their Christian life and may find a good discipleship. Some of them will have a follow up with Youngstars.

* For the 32 young people who have re-dedicated their lives to the Lordship of Christ. May their decisions are firm.

* For Youngstars and the activities of this semester. Security and good opportunities to share about the Lord during the outings.

* For the board of L'Arcada. Wisdom in the search of a new director and in the decisions they are taking and that they have to take.

Thank you very much for your prayers. We greatly appreciate them.

With love.

Pedro, Viky, and Rut Adrover.


