PhD Student in Mathematical Physics at SISSA, Trieste, Italy

email: achialas (at) sissa (dot) it

Office 102, SISSA, Via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy

 About myself

I currently am a PhD student in Mathematical Physics coming from a master’s degree in Theoretical Physics mainly focused on Quantum Field Theory and its mathematical foundations.

My master’s thesis work has indeed been centred on entanglement measures in QFT, which we analysed through the language of operator algebras and algebraic QFT.

Now that I have recently started a PhD in Geometry and Mathematical Physics, my aim still is to further strengthen my mathematical background as to be able to work both on a purely mathematical level and an applied one, closer to physics.


Operator algebras and quantum field theory

Entanglement and quantum foundations

Noncommutative geometry