Associate Professor Experimental Market Design (W2), KIT
Senior Researcher Market Design, ZEW

KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie; ZEW - Leibniz Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung Mannheim

Before, I was a member of the Max Planck Research Group "Mechanisms of Normative Change" (link)


contact: adrian.hillenbrand(at)

Current Research Interests:


The asymmetric effect of narratives on prosocial behavior, Games and Economic Behavior, 2022 (with Eugenio Verrina)

Gain-Loss Framing in Interdependent ChoiceGames and Economic Behavior, 2020 (with Susann Fiedler) [data, older version]

Volunteering under population uncertainty, Games and Economic Behavior, 2018 (with Fabian Winter) [data, free accessible version]

Beyond information: Disclosure, distracted attention, and investor behavior, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2017 (with André Schmelzer)

Leadership Effectiveness and Institutional Frames, Experimental Economics, 2016 (with Gerrit Frackenpohl and Sebastian Kube)

Working Papers and Work in Progress

Strategic Inattention in Product Search, revision requested (2nd round), Management Science (with Svenja Hippel)

 [working on revision]

Willingness to Volunteer Among Remote Workers Is Insensitive to the Team Size, resubmitted, Experimental Economics (with Tobias Werner and Fabian Winter)
(formerly circulated under "Volunteering at the Workplace under Incomplete Information: Teamsize Does Not Matter") 


How the Stability of Social Relations Shapes the Emergence of Latent Norms (with Fabian Winter)

 [working on draft]

Cooperation with lists (read if you always struggle to find organizers for the faculty party)

Other Publications and Policy Briefs

Reproducibility in Management Science. Fišar, M., Greiner, B., Huber, C., Katok, E., Ozkes, A. I., & Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration. 2024. Management Science, 70(3), 1343-1356. Note: Member of the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration 

Price subsidies may impair competition in retail market for natural gas. ZEW policy brief, 2022, (with Atabek Atayev)

Tapping into people's impatience for better environmental subsidies. ZEW policy brief, 2023 (with Atabek Atayev, Gian Caspari & Thilo Klein)