As leaders in Washington negotiate a bipartisan immigration deal, former President Donald Trump used inflammatory language to demonize immigrants during a Saturday campaign speech in New Hampshire that echoed Adolf Hitler.

\"Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, \"My New Order,\" which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. Kennedy now guards a copy of \"My New Order\" in a closet at his office, as if it were a grenade.\"

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From his first speech in 1919 in Munich until the last speech in February 1945, Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945, gave a total of 1525 speeches. In 1932, for the campaign of two federal elections that year he gave the most speeches, that is 241. It is not practical to list all of them, so only his most notably important speeches have been listed here.

Only one known recording exists of Hitler's voice when he is not giving a speech. An engineer for Finnish state broadcaster Yle secretly recorded 11 minutes of Hitler's 1942 meeting with Finnish leader Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim (see Hitler and Mannerheim recording).

According to a 1990 Vanity Fair interview, Ivana Trump once told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband, real-estate mogul Donald Trump, now a leading Republican presidential candidate, kept a book of Hitler's speeches near his bed.

"Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed ... Hitler's speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist," Marie Brenner wrote.

It also places strict rules on how social media companies must moderate and report hate speech and threats. These hate-speech laws were tightened last year, after three far-right terror attacks in 2019 and early 2020 prompted German authorities to warn of increasing extremism.

The law has drawn opposition for invading privacy and interfering with freedom of speech from both left- and right-wing political parties in Germany, as well as from journalism organizations and internet-freedom advocates.

German dictator Adolf Hitler gives a speech in October 1944. Author Norman Ohler says that Hitler's abuse of drugs increased "significantly" from the fall of 1941 until the winter of 1944. Keystone/Getty ImagesĀ  hide caption

According to Peter Longerich, Himmler spoke for several hours.[ii] The transcript of the speech, Steve Hochstadt claims, stretches to 116 pages in length. For my purposes here, the excerpts of the speech available in a volume of source materials on the Holocaust edited by Hochstadt will suffice.[iii]

Demands for understanding for what he and his men had gone through Himmler coupled with a logic of absolute exclusion and enmity for Jews. They had to all be wiped out without pity. These two speeches bespeak the full depravity of the Nazi exterminationist mindset. Roughly a week after them, an uprising by Jews incarcerated in the Sobibr death camp liberated almost 60 people. Swiftly, Himmler responded with more barbarity. Tens of thousands of Jews in Poland were executed as part of Operation Harvest Festival and, to cover massive crimes against humanity already perpetrated, the Operation Reinhard camps were dismantled.

As many American visitors had noted during the 1930's, the autobahn was built before the country had enough motor vehicles to justify the expense. Only the well off or powerful in Germany could afford automobiles. Hitler had highlighted this problem in a speech on March 3, 1934, at the Berlin International Automobile and Motor Cycle Show:

This week, I wanted to research a little bit of the speech methods we discussed in class. I remembered us talking about Hitler practicing his speeches and delivering each and every movement with extreme purpose. Let me first say that I am Jewish and obviously do not support or mean to give any positive light to Hitler; however, the fact cannot be denied that through his speeches, he was able to manipulate millions of people and changed the course of human history. Thus, there is much to learn in how he delivered his speeches.

I comletely agree that the delivery of a speech has the greatest impact on an audience. Compared to most people I meet in college, I am a more quiet, collected person, yet when I have the chance to speech to a large group of people I transform my passiveness so that I appear both confident and excited to speak. I find that preparing a speech often requires several concepts of rhetoric. There is always a purpose, context, and audience to remember when one speaks publicly.

On March 11, 1938, after the Government of Austria had to accept the German ultimatum and resigned under constant international and military pressure, Kurt Schuschnigg, Prime Minister performed a radio speech to the nation. He declared the resignation of the Austrian Government and devolution of the authority to Arthur Seyss-Inquart, the under-Nazi candidate. Schuschnigg also appealed to the army not to make resistance to the German army, crossing the border. On the same day, the president had also been pressured to accept the resignation of the government and agreed to a new chancellor. The newly created puppet government of Austria made an official appeal to Germany and asked military forces to enter the state to maintain order and peace. Even Seyss-Inquart was not aware of this document until the next day.

In the late hours of the same March 12, 1938, Hitler gave his passionate speech from the tiny balcony of the Linz City Hall. He proclaimed the reunion of Austria and Germany to form an empire for centuries. The main square was crowded with thousands of people, who wanted to see Hitler and some of them even climbed the local statue, created in 1723 to have a better perspective of the event and the main guest.

I agree that freedom of speech can defend the actions of some in this situation. But, infringement of copyright laws are becoming more and more prevalent in our society. We need to make sure the work of others is not being stolen. 17dc91bb1f

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