it's not the only way. you could mess with your os settings so you can uninstall flash player. there's some risk you will mess up your os and then need to reinstall it so i'm not sure it's worthwhile. it depends on how important flash cs4 is to you and how risk averse you are.

if i were you i would do nothing and see if something comes up where i absolutely need flash cs4 and couldn't make do with the other cs4 programs. only then would i consider fiddling with the ie flash player. and at that point, i would google info on it and see what others had to say about it.

Adobe Flash Player 9 Activex Software Free Download

tag_hash_104 🔥 🔥

I distribute ActiveX, PPAPI, and NPAPI flash players using their MSI files. I will set them to override one the previous versions so that it will uninstall the previous version when installing the newer versions. I have never required the uninstaller previously so I did not normally use it.

I see 2 different MSI log files: logv.log and logx.log. How exactly did you generate these files? I'm not seeing the verbose content that is normally logged when generating an MSI log file for options v and x. Normally we only receive one log file with both options (for example Adobe Document Cloud , generated via command-line with arguments: msiexec /i install_flash_player_31_active_x.msi /qn /Lvx msilog.log, as such, want to clarify how these 2 log files were generated. I've installed using options v and x separately and both times the files contain more information that the ones provided.

2: In regedit go to "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\", search for adobe flash (or if you know the version and number you are having your conflicts with, search those. You can find them running the msi from and admin command line.) Example: "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\C62923CFA020053449949D35B0D26C12" came up for me because it was one of the Active X versions that I knew was an issue which was version

where i can found the activex Version that Create for win only ?? it seems third party flash tools like Swfkit and Zinc need Activex Version of flash player to embed flash player in desktop application and install it on silent mode if flash player not found.

I have installed adobe flash player active X, but none of applications can detect it. for example if an application needs flash player it will show an error that it is not installed, sometimes ago everything was fine, but it is about one week that I have faced this issue.

Go to this page, select Windows 7 in Step 1, Internet Explorer in Step 2, uncheck the option to install Chrome, download install_flashplayer11x32ax_gtbd_chrd_dn_aih.exe and run it

By the way I managed to run my software in windows 8 since Win8 has embedded adobe flash player and it works. On the other hand, I installed Adobe Flash player 19 NPAPI and Adobe Flash Player 20 ActiveX on windows 7 but still my software cant run any youtube videos still. Do you have an idea?

Try an older version of Adobe Flash Player. For steps 3 and 4 below, here is a site that has an archive of older versions - -flash-player/ It seems like you need a version of Flash that is for Internet Explorer for it to work. Be sure to disable auto-updating of Flash after you install it though - -prevent-flash-player-update-prompts

In step 1 a link is provided to the Adobe website with instructions how to fully remove Flash from your computer. These instructions only seem valid for Windows 7 (see the top of the page) and therefore people with later Windows versions are probably not able to follow the steps on the Adobe website. As others already mention in this discussion, it is not possible to install the file flashplayer_32_0r0_344_winax.exe either.

In case of Win 7, Adobe Flash Player is just an application you can install and uninstall.

Starting from Win 8, Adobe Flash player ActiveX is considered to be a part of Windows and it does not appear in control panel and this means there are no entry for Flash under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall key.

Since it is a part of Windows, when you apply monthly update, it takes care flash ActiveX. 0852c4b9a8

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