Workshop on

Advanced Numerical Analysis for Imaging: from theory to industry

In occasion of the retirement of Fiorella Sgallari

19-21 June 2024

Complesso monumentale Sant'Anna dei Lombardi, Naples, Italy

Welcome to the website of the first edition of the workshop on Advanced Numerical analysis for Imaging (AdNumI), held in occasion of the retirement of Prof. Fiorella Sgallari, who has deeply contributed to the development of imaging science and its applications.

The workshop will bring together researchers who actively work in the field of imaging science, with contributions ranging from the theoretical formulation to the design of robust numerical solvers. A specific focus will be also given to challenging scientific and industrial applications for which imaging science has been, or is expected to be in the future, a fundamental tool of investigation.


Alessandro Lanza (University of Bologna)                 alessandro[dot]lanza2[at]unibo[dot]it

Monica Pragliola (University of Naples Federico II) monica[dot]pragliola[at]unina[dot]it

Gerardo Toraldo (University of Campania L. Vanvitelli) gerardo[dot]toraldo[at]unicampania[dot]it

Fabiana Zama (University of Bologna)                 fabiana[dot]zama[at]unibo[dot]it