13–18 March, 2022

Admcycles: coding intersection theory

Hotel Les Sources – Les Diablerets (CH)

The Sage package 'admcycles' was written a few years ago by Delecroix, Schmitt and van Zelm and has features for computing intersection numbers, comparing tautological classes and computing many different types of geometrically defined cycles on the moduli of stable curves.

The idea of the workshop is to offer a platform for learning how to use admcycles, sharing research that was done with it and, in particular, working on new features and improvements.

This event is synergetic with the workshop “Recent Advances on Moduli Spaces of Curves” which will be held the week immediately after. Some participants of "Admcycles: coding intersection theory" will report on the state-of-the-art and the most recently implemented functions and cohomology classes of the admcycles, available to the working mathematician. Vice versa, code developers will receive feedback from the algebraic geometry community about classes and features of interest to implement in the near future.

Event organisers: Danilo Lewański and Johannes Schmitt.

Schedule and abstracts

There will be short talks, tutorials and software presentations in the morning, and we'll spend the afternoon working on projects in small groups. While we will offer some suggestions for such projects (and prepare exercise sheets and toy problems for participants new to admcycles), we very much encourage you to bring in your own ideas! This might be a mathematical question which could be explored with a new feature of the software, or some private code that you have written which can be integrated into admcycles with some work.


We are happy to cover accommodation and full board for the five nights, while we would appreciate it if travel expenses could be covered autonomously.

Nonetheless, if you have troubles finding travel funds, please let us know and we should still be able to find a solution. On the other hand, if you happen to have abundant research funds this year and you can cover your local expenses comfortably, please let us know so we can allocate the same amount for another researcher.

Finally (and inevitably), we are closely watching the Covid–19 situation. We do hope that the workshop can take place in person, but we will keep you informed about any developments in this regard.

List of participants:

Xavier Blot, Weizmann

Maxime Cazaux, Sorbonne Université

Alessio Cela, ETH Zurich

Nitin Chidambaram, MPIM Bonn

Vincent Delecroix, CNRS - Université de Bordeaux

Honglu Fan, University of Geneva

Alessandro Giacchetto, Institut de Physique Théorique

Matthias Hippold, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

David Holmes, Universiteit Leiden

Zekun Ji, University of Amsterdam

Danilo Lewański, University of Geneva

Dimitrios Mitsios, IPhT

Maximilian Schimpf, University of Bonn

Johannes Schmitt, University of Zurich

Johannes Schwab, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Pim Spelier, Leiden University

Karoline van Gemst, University of Sheffield

Thomas Wennink, University of Liverpool

Yiu Man Wong, Goethe Uni Frankfurt


The event will take place at the Hotel Les Sources, Les Diablerets, situated in the heart of the Alpes Vaudoises and within easy reach of the towns of Lake Geneva region.

Participation by invitation

This event is funded by the SNSF Ambizione Project "Resurgent Topological Recursion, Enumerative Geometry and Integrable Hierarchies" (20212025) granted to D. Lewański.