Though the trojan has been identified and can be killed, because of it's backdoor functionality, your PC is very likely compromised and there is no way to be sure your computer can ever again be trusted. Many experts in the security community believe that once infected with this type of trojan, the best course of action would be a reformat and reinstall of the OS. Please read these for more information:

That proves that the NAS is not the source of the malware. OK, not completely, there are some other places where malware could hide on the NAS, except of the data volume. But in that case it would be targeting ZyXEL NASses explicitly. And if someone would manage to get malware on a NAS, then why reveal yourself by putting something on the shares? The bandwidth, storage and CPU of the NAS are valuable.

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Instances of the Dridex banking Trojan were frequently distributed in high-volume email campaigns throughout 2015 and the first half of 2016. While Dridex actors largely turned to distributing Locky ransomware later in 2016, Trojan Dridex remained popular for distribution in lower-volume and personalized or targeted attacks. The first quarter of 2017, however, has largely been devoid of any high-volume campaigns, with most analysts attributing the relative quiet to a disruption in the Necurs botnet that had previously been used for mass distribution of Locky and Dridex.

Beginning March 30, 2017, Proofpoint researchers observed a spike in massive Dridex malware campaigns spreading via various methods. The figure below shows the relative Dridex message volumes observed in recent campaigns; the spike represents millions of messages compared to the low volumes observed recently.

Looking at a longer time frame, while the current spike in volume represents a comeback of large-scale activity, it is still only a fraction of the all-time-high volumes of Dridex-bearing messages we observed in the first half of 2016.

If executed, the scripts downloaded an instance of the Dridex banking trojan with botnet ID "7200". Some of the payloads were the intermediate "Quant Loader", which in turn downloaded Trojan Dridex. We observed this instance of Dridex targeting organizations in France, the UK, and Australia.

We also identified similarities between these large Dridex campaigns and the mass volume Locky affiliate ID 3 campaigns from 2016. We identified similar links between Dridex affiliate 220 and Locky affiliate 3 campaigns. Specifically:

The re-emergence of high-volume Trojan Dridex campaigns raises questions about the types of attacks we will see from these actors in the coming months. It appears likely that large-scale malware spam may be returning after a three-month hiatus, but Dridex malware itself has been used extensively for some time now in smaller attacks as well. These campaigns still have not reached volumes we experienced with Dridex in the first half of 2016 and are not even approaching the massive volumes of many later Locky campaigns. They are notable, however, because of the contrast with the relative quiet of the first quarter of 2017. They also bear watching because of the variety of attachment types they are employing and the similarities to campaigns from some of the most prolific Locky and Dridex actors we have tracked over the last two years.

Since we first reported the return of high-volume Dridex campaigns in this blog, we have observed additional campaigns worth noting. While the small-scale campaigns typical of the last six months continue, two more multi-million message campaigns targeting recipients in the United Kingdom were observed again this week. While banking Trojans, including Trojan Dridex, typically appear in campaigns early in the week, these again occurred on Thursday and Friday of this week.

The T2-C is the first-ever high capacity, high volume tabletop label press capable of delivering precision over long runs. Producing consistent, high-volumes in 24/7 production, the T2-C opens new doors in the label printing industry.

This finding informs you that the listed EC2 instance within your AWS environment is generating a large volume of outbound DNS traffic. This may indicate that the listed instance is compromised and being used to perform denial-of-service (DoS) attacks using DNS protocol.

This finding informs you that the listed EC2 instance within your AWS environment is generating a large volume of outbound TCP traffic. This may indicate that the instance is compromised and being used to perform denial-of-service (DoS) attacks using TCP protocol.

This finding informs you that the listed EC2 instance within your AWS environment is generating a large volume of outbound UDP traffic. This may indicate that the listed instance is compromised and being used to perform denial-of-service (DoS) attacks using UDP protocol.

This finding informs you that the listed EC2 instance within your AWS environment is generating a large volume of outbound UDP traffic targeted to a port that is typically used for TCP communication. This may indicate that the listed instance is compromised and being used to perform a denial-of-service (DoS) attacks using UDP protocol on a TCP port.

This finding informs you that the listed EC2 instance in your AWS environment is generating a large volume of outbound traffic from an unusual protocol type that is not typically used by EC2 instances, such as Internet Group Management Protocol. This may indicate that the instance is compromised and is being used to perform denial-of-service (DoS) attacks using an unusual protocol. This finding detects DoS attacks only against publicly routable IP addresses, which are primary targets of DoS attacks.

The water molecules chemically bond to the molecular sieve material contained in the systems filter cylinders as the oil is pumped through the filter media. The total volume of molecular sieve material required in the system can vary between users, based on the respective oil volumes to be processed.

This volume of the Echo features several labeling mistakes. The volume is listed as 45, but is really volume 46. Midway through the year the volume is printed as 44. For the sake of consistency with later volumes, this collection has been labeled 45B.

This variant also starts the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) to create a shadow copy (system restore point) with malicious files in it. Volume Shadow Copy Service is a technology included in Microsoft Windows that can create backup copies or snapshots of computer files or volumes, even when they are in use.

Most antivirus software do not scan volume shadow copies for malware or other security threats. That could be why this malware tries to persist through system restore points and as well to evade from antivirus detections. be457b7860

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