Advanced Computer Vision LAB

Research Interests 研究領域:

Computer Vision, Image / Video Processing, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning


Research Topics 研究主題 (項目):

Vision-based decision for Autonomous Cars, AI for Narrow-band imaging, Fake Image Detection, Super-Resolution, Hyperspectral image processing, Social Media Prediction, Few-Shot Learning, and other computer vision applications.


持續招募研究生 (即日起可招收NYCU AI學院學生)、專題生、碩士學士級兼任/專任研究助理、博士後研究

PS. 實驗室很累喔

近三年畢業學生工作分布 (累積中):聯發科 MTK、MobileDrive、神盾、工研院 ITRI、群聯電子 Phison、台積電 TSMC、國外研究所 (USD、UCLA、University at Ablany...etc)

實驗室守則 (PDF)

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