Integrate External Movement with Internal Energy Qigong Workshop
Part 2 with GrandMaster Tony Wong

Grandmaster Wong Wai Yi (Tony) has been teaching Taijiquan and Qigong in US for over 25 years. He began his Taiji journey in the early 1980's. It was in the summer of 1987 that Tony discovered the other aspects of Taiji and Qigong when he met Master Cai, a Wuji Qigong master from China. It was Master Cai who opened the door to internal martial arts for Tony. Since then, Tony has been on a quest - intensely searching, exploring, investigating, researching, and pursuing everywhere the internal martial arts aspect as well as the health aspect of Taiji and Qigong. This workshop explores how our external movement connects to the internal energy or Qi, focusing on the three human treasures and the three entities of the universe. To learn more about Tony's lineage, check out his profile here:

2021 Date:

February 28: 1pm–4pm on ZOOM. Zoom Link will be emailed to registered participants on February 27.


Sunday 2/28/2021, 1pm to 4pm on ZOOM

  • Review the Wuji posture to align the 3 major acupressure points to maximize the energy flow and culture the pre-natal energy

  • Review three postures from the Hunyuan Qigong system to cultivate the 3-human treasures through upper, middle and lower Dantians

  • Continue with Hunyuan Qigong, exploring the cultivation, collection and directing of internal energy flow, using external movement

  • Practice Yiquan Test Strength, using visualization to initiate/guide the qi to achieve optimal mind and body benefit

  • Finish with the integrated and powerful San Ti posture to deepen the understanding of the Heaven- Man -Earth connection

Fees & Registration:

1. FIRST, click on the Register button below so your email will be recorded and we can send you the link for the workshop after receiving payment. Link will be sent the day before the workshop.

2. NEXT, Pay fee electronically - or - send a check. Mail by February 22nd to ensure check is received by Thursday, February 25. Emails for electronic payment and mailing address are provided on the registration page.

  • $50 General Public

  • $40 for previous workshop attendees and current registered students of Sifu Tony