You need a unique verification code for amazon prime video activation on smart tv, apple tv or any other devices . You can only generate this code if you have a valid Amazon account or phone registration number. For users with these details, the activation code can be retrieved on their TV screen via the Amazon Prime Video App. The code will be needed to complete the activation on the Amazon MYTV website

How to Activate Amazon From

  • To Watch Amazon Prime download the Amazon Prime Video app from play store or app store.

  • Once the application is installed, Click on the application and then log in to your amazon prime video account.

  • After login, a screen will open with the amazon mytv activation code or verification code on it. this is 6 digit code used to activate amazon tv

  • Open your web browser and visit - on any internet-connected device like a mobile phone, computer

  • Now login yo your amazon prime video account again You will be redirected to a new screen where you need to write the amazon mytv activation code. Enter the code and click on the “Verify my device” and go back to your device.

  • Once you verify your device your device automatically start displaying amazon prime video movie and shows to watch.

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