Action Prototype Tool




UE4 Implementation

Third Person Template

Video tutorial for setup/implementation APTool for Third Person Template project. Below is a similar step by step instruction with screenshots. 



Create new project from Third Person Template.


Then migrate files from APTool project to TPTemplate.

Or you can just add ATPool to project from Library in Epic Games Launcher. 


For activation Action needs to add new input. Make new action mapping.


Add BP_APTool_Component to Third Person Character.


Drag&drop component, then call function Key Activation.


Turn on Generate overlap events for character skeletal mesh.

Overlay zone in Action blueprints triggered by overlap with skeletal mesh, not by pawn capsule. 


Add slot for montages to ABP ThirdPerson_AnimBP.


Retargeting Skeleton used in APTool to UE4_Mannequin_Skeleton.

Skeletons in the Tool and in Third Person template are the same, but you need to retargeting, to make animations from the APTool work on TPTemplate character. 


Add used skeletal mesh to PreviewSkeletalMesh variable in BP_APTool_Action_Base

Needed to display meshes correctly on Action objects. 



Now you can use game-ready or custom Action objects for Third Person Template Character. 

Advanced Locomotion System V4

Action Prototype Tool component setup/implementation for Advanced Locomotion SystemV4.

UE5 Implementation 

Third Person Template

Video tutorial for setup/implementation APTool for Third Person Template project for Unreal Engine 5

Tool contains retargeted animations for UE5 Mannequin, but it works with some minor offsets and visual defects. Not significant for prototyping and level blocking.

Advanced Locomotion System V5

Action Prototype Tool component setup/implementation for Advanced Locomotion SystemV5.

Creating custom Actions

Custom Action witch activation object 

Custom traversal Action 

Assets Config



Montage - Animation montage which will be used in action

OverlayType - Form for overlay object

Autoactivate - If true, montage activated right away as character enters overlay mesh

AngleNeededToActivate - This is the angle between character and animation pivot or mirror line. If Angle is more than variable, action cant be initiated. 360 degrees make action always activated

OffsetType - Determine the method of moving the character relative to the Action BP

OffsetDuration - The time for which the offset will occur. Offset starts with animation playing. If select 0, then character teleports to required position. Time less than 0,2 works like 0,2, because small time causes error

AnimPlayType - Select animation playback type. Animation can play basic from start to end, loop, loop with reversal play, have pause on end, have pause on end when play reversal

HasCollision - When the variable is false, character capsule collision is off going on animation. Useful for vaulting or cases when character can overlap some solid geometry

UseOnce - If true, Ation will activate action only once

CanAborted - If true, can abort by next action overlay object

CameraCollisionTest - If true, camera collision test works. Need to be false in cases that character overlap solid geometry


PreviewAnimationPosition - Position of selected animation montage. Used on scene for tuning interposition animation and static objects

PreviewAnimationPlay - If true, preview animation will play

PreviewAnimationPauseTime - Pause before start and at end of preview animation

DebugActiveInGame - If true all preview objects will visible on scene


InteractionReferences - For Interaction Notify. Reference object on scene, with whom to interact this animation by notify

HideAdditionalMeshComponents - If true, hide all static mesh components in this blueprint. Actual for game-ready Actions, where added meshes

LockCharacterRotation - Need for mostly animations. An exception animation with pivot rotations in root motion.


HideAllDebug - If true hide all debug for all Action objects on scene

DrawTraces - If true show traces actual for offset types with Mirror line

DrawAnimationInfo - If true show info about overlayed action object & animation parameters


Utility blueprint contains two scripts. Scripts can call in editor.

DisableAnimationsRootMotion -  Disable root motion for all animations from Action Prototype Tool. Useful if need tuning mesh position in Action blueprint

EnableAnimationsRootMotion - Enable root motion for all animations from Action Prototype Tool

AnimationReferences - References to animation which need to enable or disable root motion


Feel free to ask any questions on the Discord channel or