Alternatively, you can get an individual part's checksum by using the GetObject or HeadObject operation and specifying a part number or byte range that aligns to a single part. With this method, you can use that checksum to validate the individual part without needing to wait for all of the parts to finish uploading before verifying the data integrity. When you use this method, you can also request only the individual parts that failed the integrity test.

Because of how Amazon S3 calculates the checksum for multipart objects, the checksum value for the object might change if you copy it. If you're using an SDK or the REST API and you call CopyObject, Amazon S3 copies any object up to the size limitations of the CopyObject API operation. Amazon S3 does this copy as a single action, regardless of whether the object was uploaded in a single request or as part of a multipart upload. With a copy command, the checksum of the object is a direct checksum of the full object. If the object was originally uploaded using a multipart upload, then the checksum value changes even though the data has not.

Action Download Result Fail Checksum 0

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For example, consider an object 100 MB in size that you uploaded as a single-part direct upload using the REST API. The checksum in this case is a checksum of the entire object. If you later use the console to rename that object, copy it, change the storage class, or edit the metadata, Amazon S3 uses the multipart upload functionality to update the object. As a result, Amazon S3 creates a new checksum value for the object that is calculated based on the checksum values of the individual parts.

The preceding list of console operations is not a complete list of all the possible actions that you can take in the AWS Management Console that result in Amazon S3 updating the object using the multipart upload functionality. Keep in mind that whenever you use the console to act on objects over 16 MB in size, the checksum value might not be the checksum of the entire object.

Thank you @williammccusker I actually tried this ${password} but was getting checksum fail error. I thought it might be issue with password being given as ${password}. But I tried now again with the new ojdbc jar provided by @benken_parasoft It works now... So removed the extension script. Using DB tool. Thank you once again for quick response @williammccusker @benken_parasoft

Normally this error results from specifying an invalid queue space name or configuration device. When using qmadmin, check the values of QMCONFIG and the queue space name. When this results from a client or server failing in tpopen(3c), check the OPENINFO string in the configuration file. It may also result from have too few file descriptors configured in the operating system tunable parameters.


1. Changed to AFUDOS 2.21 to use checksum-neutrality

Result-fail Error: BIOS has no flash information available

The checksum is a means of checking a file has been uploaded in its entirety.It is a 32-character string calculated from the file, and is unique to that file.We recalculate the MD5sum after you complete your submission and confirm that it matches the value you registered.Therefore, if the upload procedure fails to deliver the full file, this will be evident from the checksum.You may have calculated this value previously and included it in your submission: you can see the value you registeredin the notification email, as is the case above.Alternatively, if you used the graphical Webin File Uploader program, the MD5 will have been calculated automaticallyfor you.

This indicates an error with runtime slug checksum verification. If the checksum does not match or there is another problem with the checksum when launch a dyno, an R17 error will occur and the dyno will fail to launch. Check the log stream for details about the error.

During an Exchange Information Store backup, the Backup Agent has Eseutil run a checksum of the mailbox database and transaction logs to guarantee the Exchange data is valid. It is important to note the checksum verification is performed on the shadow copy made of the Exchange data, not the live data itself. Even so, a failed checksum verification likely indicates some sort of corruption in the information store which should be addressed.

Since the checksum is run on the shadow copy, a checksum verification failure may result from the shadow copy being deleted or aborted before the checksum operation completes. This is more likely to be the case when the checksum verification times out rather than fails out.

If the checksums are failing and shadow copy issues have been ruled out, there is a good chance either the mailbox database or transaction logs are corrupt. You can try running the Eseutil checksum on the original Exchange files manually. This will give you a point of reference to establish whether the checksums fail independently or only when run by the backup software. Directions for performing the checksum can be found here.

Hi, folks.This would have never be mentioned before, HP 35s may have a checksum calculation problem.I bought two HP 35s, one for office use, others for home use, of which serial number differs at last two digit (CNA 721049xx).Then I wrote program (to solve transmission line parameters) and entered it into each calculators, to find the same program shows different checksum. It seems to be HP 35s' problem, since the line length, calculation result, and line by line comparison shows no difference. 

For confirmation of the problem, I wrote very simple program as shown below.LBL G1.4LBL C1.4LBL K One shows,LBL G, LN= 9, CK= D23FLBL C, LN= 9, CK= 18BCThe other shows,LBL G, LN= 9, CK= 7886LBL C, LN= 9, CK= 18BC While using (include programming) the first one, its checksum had been changed to the different value, asLBL G, LN= 9, CK= 5966LBL C, LN= 9, CK= 1427How about your 35s?

(Please allow my poor English.) Re: 35s checksum problem

Message #2 Posted by bill platt on 10 Aug 2007, 11:41 a.m.,

in response to message #1 by Lyuka

I tend to agree with you, Katie.What's perhaps most frustrating for me is that HP doesn't appear (or won't) include beta testers in the production process. Yeah, I get the whole thing about company proprietary information, keeping secrets and making sure the competition doesn't find out about new calcs, but THIS fiasco is exactly why they need to break out of that mold. Hopefully Sam can wield some power in this and sees the value in having more folks beta test future calcs, even if only to look for bugs. I'm quite sure that had 20 of us in this group had the calc for two weeks, we would have found **ALL** of these bugs and given back to HP a really valuable contribution in terms of quality.Lessons from the software world need to be applied here. Beta testing is good. Especially with more and more complex systems. * * *I still like this calc. I will play with it and enjoy it, but it has lost some of the "shine" due to these bugs. I just hope they fix them and listen to the truly enthusiastic users.You know, this reminds me of something Disney did a while back. Let me tell you a story...After Disney killed the Electric Light Parade, they needed to replace it with something similar but new and fresh. They hired a Hollywood guy to create "Light Magic" in 1997, a parade with even more lights, and kind of themed after fairies.They had a one night premier for cast members only. It didn't go over so well. A lot of cast members disliked it, and thought it wasn't up to standard. The cast members suggested that the Annual Passholders (AP's) check it out. Disney considered.A week later, they offered Annual Passholders a chance to view the parade. My wife and I went up to Anaheim and saw it twice on the night it was first out. Disney gave out comment cards and asked for input. Aside from written comments, AP's *lined up* outside the customer relations building to complain about the parade. It was HORRIBLE. It was whiny, the music sucked, there was no story, no tie-in to old Disney characters and some of the fairies were downright evil and scary looking. Literally, children cried when it went by. Some people were just stunned. With an overwhelming majority of dedicated AP's complaining, Disney decided to delay the opening by six weeks to "make repairs".The parade opened six weeks later, with virtually no changes (!!), and was panned in the press. People hated it. It lasted all of three months before it was killed, and the Disney head who created it was fired. Now, you can barely find mention of "Light Magic" anywhere in Disney-dom. It has been blacklisted. It was incredibly painful for Disney.The lesson here was that Disney failed to realize who their TRUE fans were and they didn't let them HELP. No one is more dedicated to Disney than the AP's. These are the people who spend hundreds and thousands of dollars every year on passes. They talk up Disney with friends, family and anyone who will listen. Like my wife and I, we would visit Disneyland 2-3 times a month. Some people we know go every other DAY.These people truly are the hardcore Disney fanatics. Probably not one naysayer in the group. Yet when that same fan base said "wow, this parade really sucks! I mean REALLY!", Disney discounted it. They had -- at their ready disposal -- almost everything they needed to fix the parade, but were too proud to call upon outside help.Suggestions were coming in left and right. Those were the same suggestions that made it into the New Electric Light Parade three years later (that everyone loves now, BTW). But instead of taking advantage of those who love Disney and are working FOR them, they chose not to. Greed, pride, whatever. It could have been different.Now, to be fair, HP has never said they WANT input from us hardcore types prior to release. But it would seem to make a lot of sense. Don't stress about 20 more people knowing about a new calc because they have a pre-release version -- JUST DO IT. I don't think we'd be in this situation today had HP given some hardcore users an opportunity to test out the HP-35s prior to announcement.Anyhow, I somehow climbed up on a soapbox, so now I'd better get off... ;-)thanks,bruce Re: 35s checksum problem

Message #7 Posted by Vincze on 10 Aug 2007, 5:45 p.m.,

in response to message #6 by Bruce Bergman 2351a5e196

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