The two most popular smartphone platforms are iOS and Android. Android has more than 2.8 billion active users, which is around 75% market share among smartphone users. Developing and executing a strategy to engage this large user base with push notifications is a must.

The mobile operating system Android manages push notifications from different applications. These notifications appear in the notification center and prompt the user to take a specific action. Android notifications generally have a thumbnail image, a title, some text and one or more prompts to elicit user actions. Each notification can have its own alert style, sound, and vibration styles. Users can configure their preferences in their notification center settings.

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Depending on the content in the notifications, Android push notifications can also be classified into utility notifications, update notifications, and promotional notifications. Depending on the category, the Android operating system has the power to limit the reach of your notifications.

In order to send push notifications to an Android user, they must have your Android application installed. The user also has to opt-in to receive push notifications from your applications. Once these two fundamental requirements are in place, you will be able to send push notifications to Android users.

When users opt-in for push notifications from your Android application, a device token is generated. This is used to identify users in the application. When you want to push a new notification, you have to pass the content and device token to FCM. FCM connects the right client application and push out the notification. You can also use an SDK to automate many elements of creating and tracking push notifications. For example, MagicBell SDKs and API wrappers can be used to build an effective notification system for web and mobile applications.

The reason I need this is, because I would need this in a room that does not have access to outer world. (can't connect to any server) But I have my own WiFi so users can receive push notification from my server via my wifi.

you have to keep some connection (socket?) or interval requesting (not so well, but possible) inside your Service. Google Services (including Firebase) does that by itself and "redeliver" received push messages to properly declared (in manifest) app

I have successfully setup rocket chat community edition on my local server. I can access the server on mobile and desktop on computers remotely and I managed to receive messages if I opened the app. However, I cannot receive the message if the app is not opened on Android and iOS. Only when I open the app, then it refreshes and I can receive it.

I am registered, so these services are available which includes Mobile Push Notifications> however, when I go to and access the Workspaces, my push notification counter is still at 0/10,000. Which means its not pushing. What did I do wrong. Hopefully someone can enlightened me. Thanks.

Firstly, ensure that your mobile devices are registered to receive push notifications from Rocket.Chat. To do this, check that the notification settings on your mobile device are enabled for Rocket.Chat.

If both of these settings are correct, it is possible that there is an issue with the push notification server. Check that the push notification server is properly configured in your Rocket.Chat server settings. The push notification server can be configured in the Admin panel under the Push tab. You may also want to check the logs for any errors related to push notifications.

It is also possible that the firewall on your server or network is blocking the push notification server from communicating with your mobile devices. Ensure that any necessary ports are open and that the push notification server is allowed through any firewalls.

If that does not help, please log in to the desktop / web app, navigate to Account Settings > Security > View and Log Out of Active Sessions, and click Log Out for every session that you have. Once done, test the notification again.

If you are just the end user, please provide me with the screen shots of the notification settings on your OS level as well as the notification settings from the Mattermost app itself via Settings > Notifications > Mobile.

Kinda, while in the app the notifications do work. For my test I had one user message me and for 6 messages it notified me. He then messaged me a min later and no notification for that message.

If that does not help, please log in to the desktop / web app, navigate to Account Settings > Security > View and Log Out of Active Sessions, and click Log Out for every session that you have. Once done, test the notification again.

My settings are to notify for mentions and direct messages and to push when online, away or offline. I am signed in on my laptop with the mattermost windows application and have the mobile app on my phone. When I have not been in mattermost on either device for likely 12 hours I didnt get a notification. We checked the logs and there was no log for the message. Its basically like it never happened. The message did exist though. How would you like me to proceed?

Note that on one of our Android devices, there also is a back button on the system on bottom of screen, and if used, it behave differently, really gets out of conversation A and we have notifications. This is not possible on iPhone :

I have another problem with push notifications.

When the app is open, everything is working fine.

When the app is running in background and I click on a received notification, it is not working. PushNotifications::Listener::handleNotification() gets called, but the passed notification is just empty. All members are empty and the properties are also empty. This was working before.

My problem still persists.

I double checked the incoming notification, that I receive, when I click on the notification with the app in the background. The app is brought to the front, handleNotification is called, but the received notification is empty. All members are empty. Notification::property is a var of type void.

To create a basic notification at first we need to build a notification. Now to build notification, we must use NotificationCompat.Builder() class where we need to pass a context of activity and a channel id as an argument while making an instance of the class. Please note here we are not using Notification.Builder(). NotificationCompat gives compatibility to upper versions (Android 8.0 and above) with lower versions (below Android 8.0).

to make such an expandable notification we use the setStyle() method on the notification builder (nBuilder) object. In this expanded area we can display an image, any text, different messages, etc. In our Application, we have added an image by passing the instance of the NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle class to setStyle() method.

We need to make our notification clickable to perform some action by clicking the notification such as open an activity or system setting or any webpage etc. Now to perform such actions intent is needed (e.g. explicit or implicit intent). In our Application, we are making an Implicit intent to open the GFG official home page.

Now it is not necessary that whenever the notification will appear then the user will click it instantly, user can click it whenever he /she wants and therefore we also need to make an instance of PendingIntent which basically makes the intent action pending for future purpose.

Here we also need an Intent and a PendingIntent. Then we need to pass the instance of the PendingIntent to addAction() method at the time of building the notification.

Then I downloaded and installed my game again on the device but AndroidDevicePushNotificationRegistrationAsync was not executed because the player already had the same device identifier stored in Title Data and therefore push notifications didn't worked.

I get this error message on Android when I use the Send push notification button in the title player account overview: Failed to deliver to mobile device. Check that the device is registered for push notifications. Error: Android Push Notification Failed: Client has been unregistered for push notifications.

I needed to delete the device identifier manually in the player's Title Data in order that AndroidDevicePushNotificationRegistrationAsync could be called again in my game. After that, push notifications worked again.

In my game I check if the player's device identifier is different than the device identifier stored in Title Data. If it is different, then I call AndroidDevicePushNotificationRegistrationAsync and I store the new device identifier in the player's Title Data. But in this case, the device identifier was always the same but push notifications didn't worked after updating Android version from 11 to 12.

I found out that the problem is not related to the update to Android 12. I have deleted the device identifier in the player's Title Data. After that, I installed my game on the Samsung tablet. Then, Title Data looks like this and push notification works because AndroidDevicePushNotificationRegistration was executed: {"...":"d680f159038cb73f"}

After that, I uninstalled my game and I installed it again on the same Samsung tablet. Then, push notifications are not working because AndroidDevicePushNotificationRegistration was not executed because the player already has the same device identifier stored in Title Data.

After that, I installed my game on another Android device and then push notifications work on this device because AndroidDevicePushNotificationRegistration is executed and Title Data gets updated with the new device identifier: {"...":"eb4b63781240f3f0"}

Finally, I installed my game again on the Samsung tablet and then push notifications work again on this device because AndroidDevicePushNotificationRegistration is executed and Title Data gets updated with the new device identifier. e24fc04721

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