6 Goals You Can Achieve With Email Marketing

Email is one of the fundamental pillars for the digital communication of any company. Setting email marketing goals can go a long way in determining what use to make of this tool and establishing a roadmap.

There are companies that focus their actions on traditional marketing campaigns, ignoring the amount of benefits that e-mail reseller program brings in terms of capturing leads, but also in their loyalty as customers or in their knowledge.

Advantages of using email marketing

These are some of the positive points that this marketing technique offers to any brand:

  • Email marketing is an immediate tool that allows companies to make personalized offers specifically aimed at the customer they want.

  • The necessary investment is low, which means that even companies that have a limited budget can opt for this type of communication with their customers.

  • Results can be measured very quickly. Unlike traditional marketing campaigns, email marketing has many tools that allow you to measure the impact that the message has had in order to know the strengths and weaknesses of your strategy. Hence, it is easier to track email marketing objectives.

  • Email marketing also allows you to create different messages with various tools, such as the A/B test, with which you can design different messages to send to customers and know which of them will be more successful.

With an appropriate campaign you can achieve any of the goals you set. Among them will surely be one of these 6 email marketing objectives that are listed below:

1.- Notoriety

Email marketing is the ideal tool to publicize a new product, service, brand or the company itself. The message sent by the company ends up directly in the customer's inbox and this also allows this user, with a single click, to send the message to another person, thus extending the campaign in an unimaginable way.

To get the subscriber to open your message, you have to try to reach him by creating and designing a good subject, since only through a creative subject will you provide him with the information he needs to decide.

Email marketing campaigns will help your brand reach a greater number of people. Being a totally immediate tool, messages can reach anywhere in the world instantly.

In the same way, the company can also achieve more notoriety among its customers through email marketing. For example, if the brand sends a newsletter, it can expand its visibility among users by being from time to time informing about new trends and news about the brand, as seen in the newsletter of the Vas shoe brand.

In addition, email marketing encourages users to take some action immediately through calls to action. For example, with messages such as "last day of this promotion" it can generate a sense of urgency in the user urging him to open the message and browse or even buy the promotion or offer that the company is offering through email.

2.- Loyalty

Companies always tend to have as one of the main objectives to retain customers and email marketing is ideal to achieve this goal so desired and sought.

Sending recurring messages to your customers is a way to be in continuous contact with them, which will make them not forget about you.

For example, this newsletter shows how Orange starts from the subject line and headlines "Advantages for being a customer". In this way, they manage to build customer loyalty, since they show that the company also works and makes promotions and special offers only for people who are already customers.

Achieving customer loyalty is one of the great email marketing objectives that you can achieve more easily if you take care of this channel.

3.- Attract new customers

Another of the objectives of email marketing par excellence is to attract new customers and this is an ideal tool to achieve it. In fact, a campaign allows you to reach different areas of the world without the need to travel to where your target audience is.

In addition, if, for example, the company creates a promotion in which participants can invite other people and make this offer known to other users, it will be opening up to new horizons.

For example, in this Newsletter of Direct insurance you can see how the brand tries to attract new customers by offering a 60% discount if you make an insurance with them. A good way to attract not only attention, but possible sales.

4.- Interaction with users

Email marketing is ideal for establishing different forms of interaction with customers. Many times companies can have customers from other countries who obviously can't go to their physical store. But this tool breaks this barrier.

This mode of communication allows the company to relate to all its target and achieve an immediate response. In addition, it is another way to also achieve notoriety in social networks, because if links to the company's social platforms are included, subscribers are thus encouraged to communicate with the company through these networks as well.

For example, in the image above you can see how Pinterest relates you to other users in a way that increases your stay on the social network. This type of objectives in email marketing are used in order to increase the interaction of users both with the various platforms and with each other.

5.- Increase sales

Increasing the conversions and acquisitions of a company is another of the main objectives of email marketing. Through email messages, brands are mainly aimed at people who are interested in receiving information about the offers and promotions they are making at that precise moment.

To do this, it is important that the database is correctly segmented and allows you to know which customer may be in the conversion phase. In this way, in general, email marketing generates good results and manages to increase sales, since the people who have received the shipment were interested in what the brand offered.

In this example, Atlas Stoked sends this newsletter showing and informing about some of the products they have right now in the store to try to increase their sales.

6.- Know the customer better

Knowing the customer better is another extremely important objective for companies. Email marketing gives them the opportunity to get to know customers in a detailed way: by directly asking them for this information.

With this technique, companies achieve very valuable information, such as what kind of products or services have worked best, or what customers have liked the most and least. In this way, they will be able to improve their strategies for the next campaign and thus get to know their target audience better.

For example, in the case that can be viewed above, you can see a survey that is aimed at Sephora customers to try to better understand their tastes and needs.

Main elements of an email marketing campaign

In order to achieve these email marketing objectives in an adequate and satisfactory way, you must first know and take care of the basic elements involved in a campaign of this type:

  • To begin with, you must always have a segmented database. That is, you must be clear about who your target audience is and have an adequate contact list. This way, your campaign will be more likely to be a success.

  • Try customizing the email. Play with different designs, colors, images or videos. Everything counts. Try to make it original and creative so that it attracts the customer's attention. In the same way, also customize the call to action that you are going to include, with a different design.

  • In the email never forget the importance of the subject. In fact, the subject will be the first thing that customers will see of your message, so you have to try to make the message brief and concise, but that in turn is a matter powerful enough to capture the attention of the client and encourage him to open the message.

  • The landing page must be coordinated with the overall campaign, since it will be to the space that customers will arrive. So, try to make it a coherent landing page, with a good design and visually pleasing.

If you still do not have how to manage your email marketing, you can try our email marketing software, a perfect tool to have the email marketing of your company in the best state and get the best results.

Try Digitalka to meet all your email marketing goals. Contact us now and start working on your future successful campaigns.