Whatever kind of English you want to write, mastering essential English grammar is essential. Here is a good site wher you can check out the main topics of English grammar, including points not always dealt with in grammars, such as style and sentence-structure.

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Learning how to write a good essay with a powerful introduction, clear arguments and well-crafted conclusion is a great way to build a foundation of writing skills. This 8-week course starts with the basics of grammar and sentence construction and quickly advances to thesis development and essay writing with tools for creating outlines and editing your work. Dr. Maggie Sokolik of the College Writing Programs at the University of California, Berkeley guides students through this excellent introductory writing course in which participants can get a great deal of practice writing and interact with other students from around the world. Links to optional online textbooks are provided.

You can quickly and easily set up your classroom in Quill by inputting student names or providing students with a unique code. If you use Google Classroom or Clever, you can automatically set up your classroom with one click.

The pages in this section provide instruction on grammar and composition. The topics include the writing process, paragraphs, sentences/grammar, and punctuation. There is also a list of common writing terms that the staff and your professors use to provide writing feedback.

9. provides students with the support necessary to achieve their goals;

10. extends from a knowledge of theories of writing (including, but not limited to, those theories developed in the field of composition and rhetoric);

11. is provided by instructors with reasonable and equitable working conditions; and 

12. is assessed through a collaborative effort that focus on student learning within and beyond writing courses.

Instructors emphasize that qualities of good writing are situated within genuine purposes, audiences, and contexts for writing. This includes developing assignments that engage students in study of and practice with writing rather than modes, forms, or invented situations. It also includes helping writers understand that classmates and writing center consultants can also act as authentic audiences as they read drafts and provide feedback.

As a system that supports communication across time and distance, writing is inherently technological. As tools available to writers have become more powerful and more sophisticated, writing instructors have a role in helping students become aware of the range of tools available to them and the possibilities afforded by these tools. In practice, this means that writers learn about the potential that various technologies have for the production, consumption, and distribution of forms of composed knowledge. This includes writing, but also includes the composition of other types of texts (i.e., videos, podcasts, etc.). It also means that writers learn about the values associated with different technologies that can be used for that composition.

Institutions emphasize that support is available for writers of varying abilities and levels of experience by providing support necessary for students to achieve the writing, reading, and critical analysis goals established within their degree programs. These resources include writing classes and resource centers; appropriate placement procedures; and writing across the curriculum or other programs that help faculty identify expectations of and offer instruction in writing in courses beyond the first year and/or writing program.

The most fundamental purpose of classes devoted specifically to writing instruction (such as first-year or advanced composition courses) is to engage students in study of and practice with purposes, audiences, and contexts for writing. In practice, this means that writers engage in supported analysis of these purposes, audiences, and contexts and through supported practice with genres and texts that circulate within and among them.

Institutions can provide reasonable and equitable working conditions by establishing teaching loads and class sizes that are consistent with disciplinary norms. No more than 20 students should be permitted in any writing class. Ideally, classes should be limited to 15. Remedial or developmental sections should be limited to a maximum of 15 students. No English faculty members should teach more than 60 writing students a term. Institutions can also provide these conditions by paying instructors a reasonable wage and providing access to benefits. Institutions should provide resources necessary to effective instruction, including office space to meet with students individually, computers and network access, and office technologies (such as photocopiers). Institutions should also facilitate instructor access to personnel and units that can inform their practices and offer helpful efficiencies such as librarians, writing centers and directors, and teaching and learning centers. Institutions should also foster department and program cultures that recognize instructors, whether in appointments that emphasize research and scholarship or in those that focus fully or primarily on teaching or administration, as scholars and full members of the discipline. Institutions should ensure that all members of a department or program have the opportunity to participate in shared governance.

Institutions emphasize that effectiveness is assessed collaboratively and in multiple sites by using assessments that include direct evidence of both instructor practice and student writing performance, such as student writing from the context or class where instruction has taken place. High-stakes timed tests of writing that focus on scenarios removed from authentic instructional contexts, or even grammar tests, do not provide valid evidence of student learning within or beyond a writing course.

Principle 10: Sound writing instruction extends from a knowledge of theories of writing (including, but not limited to, those theories developed in the field of composition and rhetoric)

All our Composition courses aim to help students improve the various skills they need for excellent writing. These include everything from basic elements such as grammar and diction up through advanced techniques of stylistic expression and use of multimedia formats. All our courses (except online sections) are taught in small seminar classrooms with lots of discussion, frequent assignments and revisions, and many opportunities for one-on-one feedback.

Writing often depends on and benefits from, imagination and creativity. We hope, then, that in your writing classes you both take writing seriously and have some fun with it. Continue to play with words and sentences as you have been doing since you first began to speak (and later write), finding new possibilities of expression and discovering new things about yourself as a writer and thinker.

Finally, we make a request of you: please remember that these are classes about writing and communication, so please communicate throughout the semester with each other in class and with us. Let us know what you think about your composition classes and what you think about the writing you are doing here at UWM.

The College Composition exam uses multiple-choice questions and essays to assess writing skills taught in most first-year college composition courses. Those skills include analysis, argumentation, synthesis, usage, ability to recognize logical development, and research.

Colleges set their own credit-granting policies and therefore differ with regard to their acceptance of the College Composition exam. Most colleges will grant course credit for a first-year composition or English course that emphasizes expository writing; others will grant credit toward satisfying a liberal arts or distribution requirement in English.

The exam measures test takers' knowledge of the fundamental principles of rhetoric and composition and their ability to apply Standard Written English principles. In addition, the exam requires a familiarity with research and reference skills. In one of the two essays, test takers must develop a position by building an argument in which they synthesize information from two provided sources, which they must cite. The requirement that test takers cite the sources they use reflects the recognition of source attribution as an essential skill in college writing courses.

My article explores how ChatGPT and DALL-E2 can be integrated into college composition and technical professional writing courses as support for process assignments. This essay reflects on my integration of DALL-E2 and ChatGPT in my Spring 2023 composition courses at Georgia Tech. I explore how these tools help students focus on specificity and revision processes by asking them to strengthen AI-created pieces through non-AI interventions.

Each step of the composition process is integral to student success in writing courses, but each step does not receive an equal amount of production time. For example, many of my assignments, especially those early in the semester, focus more time on early stage and late-stage process assignments:

I dedicate extra time to the early-stage process because students can have an especially challenging time warming up to some assignments, especially if the course theme or subject matter is not particularly engaging for them, or if they find writing challenging. Doing so, however, can mean later stage review and revision work may be hurried. I make up for this by offering students the opportunity to revise two of their major assignments for new grades. Revision on the backend of assignments is effective, but its potential to disrupt other assignments led me to consider what role AI could play in my classes. e24fc04721

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