Yet, while ACDSee Home 2023 may be an outstanding photo management tool, its photo editing feature set is vastly inferior to ACDSee Professional and Ultimate. Therefore, if you want an all-in-one photo studio that does everything well, I recommend you head to my ACDSee Professional 2023 Review.

I see none of the reviews here are from a recent version, and because the product has been around for so long, there are a lot of bloatware complaints and complaints that it is not the same as it used to be.

In my case, I have version 15. I have been a Picasa user for 8 years, and finally had to give it up because with approximately 15,000+ images, I couldn't keep track of them in Picasa any more. I had long since given up on labeling the images in Picasa (too many duplicates), and was relying purely on a chronological file naming system. Which meant that any images that weren't taken with my Canon Powershot camera (and weren't in that folder hierarchy) wouldn't ordinarily be found. Picasa was so full of duplicates, and the navigator on the left side of the screen contained only terminal directory names, not paths. It was just a mess. I couldn't provide my husband with copies of all the photos I took of his art, I couldn't find head shots for artist biographies or for social media profiles, I couldn't find individual photos that I knew I had taken some time but couldn't remember when or the context - nothing.

So, last month I set off in search of a free tool to replace Picasa. I couldn't find one. I wanted something with a fairly uncluttered user interface, with some basic editing tools but with the primary strength being the ability to *organize* my images easily, and then to find them easily once they were organized. I also wanted to be able to browse them easily, but I did NOT want a completely filesystem-based browser. My computer has a lot of stuff on it that is NOT images, and it's too hard to find stuff that way.

Enter ACDSee. It got high marks for organizational abilities and ease of use on Top 10 Reviews, so I gave it a try. So far (I've had it about a month), it seems to be the answer to my prayers. I was easily able to import image files from my laptop hard drive and exclude nonimage files and the ones on the external hard drives (backups). The GUI is extremely flexible and intuitive, and well laid out for browsing images a directory at a time or by search criteria, for categorizing them singly or multiply, and for doing simple things like rotating the images. I chose the "tile" format and was able to configure what file information I want to show up in the tiles.

I've set up a huge number of categories in a hierarchical fashion, and I can easily assign images to multiple categories. I've got categories for whether the image is an original vs a derived image (duplicate or edited), my husband's art (with subcategories) or other peoples' art, family, friends or performers, home, work, school, parks, travel, neighborhood, other people's homes, businesses where my husband's art is located, entertainment venues, etc., different kinds of events, projects, items of interest, automobile, health - you name it.

I can also embed the organizational information into the image files themselves, so that when I copy them to somewhere that my less-than-computer-expert husband can get at them without accidentally erasing them, he will be able to search them, too.

I don't have any need for colored flags at this point, and may or may not be interested in rating them, but those features don't get in the way. I may later go back and translate the categories into keywords, so that other (simpler) programs that can't use ACDSee's "categories" can still search them.

I haven't yet tried exporting photos for uploading to web sites. It may well be that other programs are better for that. But that wasn't my highest need at the time that I went searching for an application. Organization was, and this program is great for that.


Acdsee Photo Studio Home 2020 Download

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