Triaxial accelerometry for assessment of physical activity in young children
Tanaka, 2007


Linear and non-linear equations were developed to predict energy expenditure in young children in the laboratory. Correlation coefficients between the predicted and observed values were 0.878 to 0.932 for energy expenditure and 0.859 to 0.920 for METs in all activities.


Sample: 27 (16 males) healthy children, 5-6 years of age

Setting: Laboratory

Activities: Overground/self-paced walking and running, playing blocks, stairs, stationary

Criterion: Douglas bag (VO2)

Accelerometer(s): ActivTracer on left hip and Ambulatory Monitoring Inc.’s actigraph model RC on the dominant wrist

Validation approach: Comparison to criterion

Phase Designation

(What's this?)

This model is in Phase 1.


The ActivTracer accelerometer count was calculated as the average of the absolute values for acceleration in each direction for a given 5-s interval. Anteroposterior (x-axis), mediolateral (y-axis), vertical (z-axis), and synthetic (synthesized triaxes as vector) accelerations were obtained. Additionally, the x- and y-axes were synthesized as “horizontal acceleration.” Equations are available for predicting energy expenditure (kJ/kg/min) and METs (called physical activity ratio or PAR in this paper). A threshold for the ratio of horizontal to vertical acceleration was also used to classify activity type as walking (≥1.19) or not walking activity (<1.19). Thresholds for differentiating between light and moderate and moderate and vigorous intensities were reported as 395 and 1038 mG, respectively, although more information is not provided.

Source Information

Tanaka, C., Tanaka, S., Kawahara, J., & Midorikawa, T. (2007). Triaxial accelerometry for assessment of physical activity in young children. Obesity, 15(5), 1233-1241. Link to Paper

Corresponding author: Chiaki Tanaka,


Kimberly Clevenger at