Development of an accelerometer-based multivariate model to predict free-living energy expenditure in a large military cohort
Horner, 2012


Models for predicting total energy expenditure (TEE) and physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) were created separately for males and females wearing a 3dnx on their lower back during free-living. Participants were from military cohorts in the UK. Coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.65 for TEE and 0.41 for PAEE.


Sample: 155 (111 males) adults in the military, 20.6±3.9 years of age

Setting: Free-living

Activities: Free-living

Criterion: Doubly labeled water

Accelerometer(s): 3dnx on lower back

Validation approach: Comparison to criterion

Phase Designation

(What's this?)

This model is in Phase 3.


Models are provided for TEE and PAEE separately for males and females. Input variables include weight, height, and 3dnx counts/day.



Source Information

Horner, F., Bilzon, J. L., Rayson, M., Blacker, S., Richmond, V., Carter, J., ... & Nevill, A. (2013). Development of an accelerometer-based multivariate model to predict free-living energy expenditure in a large military cohort. Journal of Sports Sciences, 31(4), 354-360. Link to Paper

Corresponding author: James Bilzon,


Kimberly Clevenger at