Distributed lag and spline modeling for predicting energy expenditure from accelerometry in youth
Choi, 2010


Five prediction models for energy expenditure were developed using ActiGraph GT1M monitors worn on the hip, wrist, and ankle while adolescents performed a variety of activities in a room calorimeter. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) was 143.0 (hip + wrist + ankle), 155.8 (hip + wrist), 163.6 (hip), 180.6 (wrist), and 151.2 (ankle) kcal/day. When used to classify physical activity intensity, classification accuracy was 63 to 75% (sedentary), 68 to 79% (light), and 34 to 80% (moderate-to-vigorous) depending on the prediction model used.


Sample: 76 (29 males) healthy adolescents, 10-17 years of age

Setting: Room calorimeter

Activities: Activities of daily living, cycling, stationary, stepping, treadmill running, walking

Criterion: Room calorimeter (VO2)

Accelerometer(s): ActiGraph GT1M on dominant hip, wrist, and/or ankle

Validation approach: Leave-one-out cross-validation

Phase Designation

(What's this?)

This model is in Phase 0 and 2.


Coefficients and equations for total energy expenditure (TEE), physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE), and METs are provided below for different combinations of monitors (hip + wrist + ankle, hip + wrist, hip, wrist, ankle). The following description of model notation is provided. ‘gender’ is coded as 0 for females and 1 for males.

TEE coefficients and equations

PAEE coefficients and equations

METs coefficients and equations

Source Information


Choi, L., Chen, K. Y., Acra, S. A., & Buchowski, M. S. (2010). Distributed lag and spline modeling for predicting energy expenditure from accelerometry in youth. Journal of Applied Physiology, 108(2), 314-327. https://doi.org/ 10.1152/japplphysiol.00374.2009 Link to Paper

Corresponding author: Leena Choi, leena.choi@vanderbilt.edu


Kimberly Clevenger at accelerometerrepository@gmail.com