Abu Siddique

I am a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Economics at the Department of Economics, Royal Holloway University of London (UK). Previously, I was an Assistant Professor of Economics and Policy at the Department of Political Economy, King's College London (UK), and a Postdoc at the Professorship of Economics, Technical University of Munich (Germany). I am also a:

I hold a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Southampton (UK), an MSc in Economics and Econometrics from the University of Southampton (UK), and a BSc in Economics from Queen Mary University of London (UK).

My main research interests lie in the field of development and health economics. Much of my work is on health, ethnic minorities, and education in developing countries. I have published my papers in the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Economic Journal, and other peer-reviewed journals.

Research Fields: Development, health, and education economics.

Upcoming talks:

15 July 2024: Workshop of Labour and Family Economics at York

01 Aug 2024: IFPRI Seminar

13-14 Aug 2024: TUM Experimental and Behavioral Economics Workshop

28 Aug 2024: King's College London Policy Institute Seminar

05-06 Sep 2024: Advances with Field Experiments (AFE) at LSE

08-10 Sep 2024: Workshop on Field Experiments in Economics and Business at TUM

03-05 Jan 2025: ASSA 2025

15 Jan 2025: Birkbeck University Seminar

29 Jan 2025: Sussex University Seminar


abu.siddique [at] rhul.ac.uk

Link to my Google Scholar page