Basic Information about Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a procedure involving removal of tooth pulp which is the portion of tooth containing nerves and vessels. Tooth pulp is removed only when it gets infected due to any reason. if not removed, the infected tooth pulp can lead to other serious oral and overall health conditions. The most immediate consequence of tooth pulp infection is the severe pain which, sometimes, gets unbearable for the patient. A few decades ago, the treatment of infected pulp was used to be the removal of tooth. Now, the infected pulp is removed and the tooth is sealed, ceasing the way for bacteria and other infections. This way, the infections now can be removed without extracting the tooth.

It would be worth mentioning the reasons for the need of root canal treatment.

The dead pulp means there would be no resistance to any kind of infection in that part of the tooth. Hence, it can lead to the development of pus which can travel to the tip of the root, killing remaining nerves in the way. It can form and abscess in the root area, leading to the enhanced risk to the jawbone. This condition can be extremely painful.

The root canal procedure

Depending on the situation, there can be more than one dental visit for the root canal treatment to be successfully completed. Thus, there are going to be a few steps involved in the treatment.

  • An opening is made into the tooth from the top of the tooth. This opening is made on the chewing surface with the help of a drill.
  • After the removal of infected pulp, the pulp chamber and root canal are cleaned, enlarged and shaped so that they get ready for being filled.
  • If it is the case requiring more than one dental visit, a temporary filling will be placed in the empty area of tooth so that it remains safe from bacteria and other infections until next visit.
  • During next dental visit, the temporary filling will be removed and permanent rubbery substance, called gutta-percha, will be filled in that place. Sometimes, your tooth may need structural support, for that purpose, a metal rod may be inserted in the area.
  • In the final step, a crown may be used to cover the tooth. A tooth, which would undergo root canal treatment, is usually a weakened one. To make it functional once again, crowning is the best option to go with.

You may wonder how long a tooth may last after undergoing a root canal surgery. Well, it can last for a lifetime. However, you will have to make sure that you are taking good care of this treated tooth. Moreover, you need to visit your dentist regularly to get your tooth taken care of professionally.