The 5 Different Chatbot Types That Can Be Used to Automate Business Processes

The fundamental operations of a chatbot

Support chatbots, which are still widely used, operate according to a set of predetermined criteria. They identify keywords and retrieve from a database a response that matches those keywords or phrasing patterns. A developer must first create this database using distinct expressions or another type of string analysis. As a result, the user's ability to communicate is limited to the database alone, and to receive a response, the user must include at least one keyword in their chats. The decision tree hierarchies of their forerunners, the menu/button-based chatbots, were displayed to the user as buttons.

The most complex versions, such as the chatbots for skills and support, use deep learning and sophisticated Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to comprehend interactions and get better over time. These are intelligent bots that can record chat histories, evaluate data, and make appropriate recommendations. They look for patterns in the data and use them to solve related issues and ask relevant questions. The user can utilize the Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) to ask the bot questions, which NLP technology then converts into structured code. The "The bot doesn't understand what I am saying" problem is fundamentally solved by NLP. The target system is then used to execute the NLP-generated code to retrieve the responses and finish the loop. Without human contact, chatbots may do tasks, address issues, and manage information with this intelligence, abilities, and help.

Entire processes can be automated.

Chatbots' contribution to the business has significantly expanded as a result of the widespread use of messengers, apps, and virtual assistants that emphasize the value of communication. Chatbots will be integrated into more and more procedures as their popularity grows, from boosting marketing campaigns and enhancing consumer engagement to providing extra customer care options. Here are the 5 different types of chatbots that companies across industries are using to automate tasks.

Help with FAQs & Site Navigation

You can make sure that clients receive clear answers to their concerns and can quickly locate the material they're seeking by implementing a chatbot to assist website visitors with navigation and answer frequently asked questions. The purchase will happen faster if the search flow is simplified by doing away with the necessity for search and filter buttons and if there is less time spent researching the brand.

If clients need or want to learn more, the FAQ chatbot can also provide a link to pertinent queries. It can also inform users about new features, specials, and holiday greetings. In the event of complex inquiries, you may also loop in human agents. Doing so eliminates a monotonous, low-skill chore from your employees' to-do list while traffic is effectively managed.

You need to feed in more than just the Q&A information and navigational menus for such a chatbot to be implemented successfully, whether standalone on your website or through a messaging app. To escalate queries to an agent, these bots need to be trained with context, follow-up inquiries, and situations. A famous example of automated site navigation and FAQ bots is the employment of chatbots by firms like H&M, Sephora, and Victoria's Secret in the beauty and fashion industries.

Lead Generation

Chatbots may automate the critical process of having discussions with potential clients, spreading helpful information to them, and connecting with them frequently by acting as virtual assistant 24/7. An automated lead-generating chatbot may update, notify, and inform clients based on their choices, attracting them back to your business. Both new and returning visitors benefit from the prompts and triggers added to the purchasing path.

They reduce the long-standing issues with customer hopping brought about by lengthy lead forms, inaccurate data, and a lack of an immediate touchpoint. Advanced versions can additionally prioritize leads to qualify them and seamlessly interact with top CRM platforms to close deals. Brands like Yes Bank, NASSCOM, and Vodafone have used chatbots to generate leads from advertisements and engage with prospects. It functions as a comprehensive marketing solution, using nurturing workflows for the target market and even providing marketing support. By doing intelligent follow-ups, identifying fraudulent leads, and keeping you informed of campaign developments, it enables you to enhance marketing

Transactional Actions

Businesses can automate the majority of their tasks by implementing a chatbot for a transactional process. The bot can notify you when a shipment is due, request authorization before removing inventory from the warehouse, compare prices, or sort and exclude orders based on any specified criteria. In essence, it is capable of simple tasks that a human would have handled.

Transactional bots, which function as an improved form of answering machines, are designed to adhere to a predetermined conversational flow and carry out specific tasks in place of speaking with an expert or using more complex user interfaces (UIs) like those found in mobile apps or websites. Due to their training on structured data and a small set of operations, these bots concentrate on completing a single task entirely and sometimes struggle to comprehend other questions or offer information when a conversation breaks down.

They may, however, swiftly and conveniently perform a task totally on their own and streamline the user experience. These bots are simple to deploy for businesses with repetitive transactional orders (bank verification, credit card issue, purchase, procure, stock, distribution, etc.).

Domino's deployment of a transactional bot to enable customers to place orders is a nice example. These chatbots are used by the banking and insurance sector (BFSI). Consider the following example: To pay the electricity bill, a person connects to a utility provider's website. Can I help you pay your bill? a virtual assistant that is present on the portal also calculates and displays the amount that is still owed. These chatbots perform better and have better API/communication capabilities with other platforms because of this. By having chats, it can raise the day's sales outstanding (DSO).

The RBL Cares bot created by for RBL bank is among the greatest instances of this. One-time passwords used in conjunction with this conversational AI solution's superior financial transaction capabilities confirm fund transfers

Employee Enablement

Businesses in this field hope to use cognitive interactions to automate and improve experiences. Chatbots foster greater collaboration and virtual connectivity in the workplace by overcoming obstacles such as distance, time zones, and departmental silos. Additionally, employees that interact with chatbots tend to be more aware of the context of the company, which is advantageous to the company overall.

Advanced cognitive technologies integrated into conversational platforms are promoting the creation of precise, personalized automated dialogues that effectively support a variety of employee-related operations. Delegating activities to chatbots streamlines the completion of tasks and the delivery of experiences.

All HR operations can be automated with chatbots, including onboarding, training, documentation/orientation reminders, answering questions about the business, making policy changes, and even exit formalities. In this approach, HR specialists can focus on other administrative chores instead of responding to employees' endless, pointless questions. Employee enablement chatbots are not only user-friendly but also focused on the needs of individual employees and change over time. It is comparable to having an intelligent personal work-life assistant who responds to employee questions in a meaningful, contextual manner.

Customer Service

The use of chatbots in customer service makes sure that both current and potential clients receive the information and experiences they want, when and where it is convenient for them. Such chatbots differ from navigational and FAQ bots in that they engage clients from beginning to end, assisting them with a variety of activities in an adult manner, such as making bookings, making purchases, and making buy recommendations. They lessen the demand for customer service representatives and technical support staff. They are crucial components in an organization's digital transformation to provide next-generation intelligent customer service.

Three-time Loebner Prize winner Mitsuku is accessible on Facebook Messenger, Kik, Telegram, Skype, and Twitch. This robot is intended to participate in engaging, unhurried conversations with you by cracking jokes, posing inquiries, debating philosophical topics, and responding to arbitrary queries (as per the training data). Amazon Look has implemented yet another customer care chatbot that aids in the purchasing process from beginning to end. It "looks" at the visitor, matches clothing from the store, and even simulates what the complete look would be like.

These bots can be used in healthcare in a variety of ways to provide excellent yet affordable medical support. Patients can receive quick, on-the-go diagnoses and medications for their symptoms by using biometric wearables (such as Fitbits, ECG monitors, and sensors) and conversing with chatbots for medical assistance.

proceed cautiously and after receiving training

Your strategic and operational goals should be kept in mind when working on a chatbot business project to make sure the bot not only takes care of the pressing problems but also advances the company's productivity targets. But how can you make sure that integrating a chatbot into your current system takes the least amount of time while yet producing the best results? How can you save deployment costs while teaching your chatbot to handle as many user intents and scenarios as possible? What steps may be taken to ensure that this business initiative is successful? Pre-trained chatbots that may be customized are the easy solution.

Before you even begin to develop your bot, it is essential to envision it and make sure it works precisely for what it is intended to do. An all-in-one solution with pre-built functionality and artificial intelligence that specifically helps you do this is a pre-trained bot. It is designed to simplify your life by requiring less time and effort for training, integrating easily into the system, interacting with current platforms, and letting you customize the appearance and feel and company-centric character.