Abhishodh Prakash

Postdoc, Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics,
Stipendiary Lecturer, Jesus college,
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

abhishodh.prakash@physics.ox.ac.uk (he/him/his)

Department of Physics web page, Jesus College web page

about me 

I am a Postdoc at the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics in the University of Oxford working as a part of Sid Parameswaran's group. Before this, I was an ICTS-Simons prize postdoctoral fellow at the International Center for Theoretical Sciences in Bangalore, India. I got my PhD at the C.N.Yang Institute of Theoretical Physics at Stony Brook University working with Tzu-Chieh Wei. I completed my undergraduate education with a dual degree in Physics and Electrical Engineering at the Goa campus of the Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS). 

My research interests are broadly in various aspects of quantum many-body systems- their phases and phase transitions in and out of equilibrium, topological defects and textures, thermalization or lack thereof and their utility as resource states for quantum computation. I am especially interested in the role played by various kinds of global symmetries and anomalies.

(*I am looking for a faculty position in theoretical condensed matter physics to start in Fall 2024. If you have, or are aware of such a position, please contact me*)

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