Abhishek Kumar

Centre for Fluid and Complex systems, Coventry University


Hello and welcome to my personal website! I am Abhishek Kumar and I am an academic with  experience in teaching and research. I am delighted to have you here. Currently, I am an Assistant Professor at Coventry University, UK. I am interested in applying advanced numerical methods to fluid dynamics problems, such as global spectral methods and spectral-element methods. Geophysical fluid flows, astrophysical fluid flows, or industrial fluid flows all require a large degree of freedom for an adequate solution to be obtained. Therefore, I am inclined to use high-performance computing, a tool of the present paradigm. My research interests are generally focused on numerical hydrodynamic stability and its application to industrial processes, high-performance computing, Rayleigh–Benard convection and stably stratified turbulence.


2019 Assistant Professor, Coventry University

2017 Research Associate, Coventry University

2017 PhD, IIT Kanpur

2010 MSc (Physics) Delhi University

2008 BSc (Physics) BNMU University