Abhishek Kr Singh

 Postdoctoral ResearcherSchool of Computing at NUS, Singapore.
Email: abhishek.uor@gmail.com   Professional Links:  LinkedIn     DBLP    GoogleScholar   ORCID    

I am a senior research fellow, hosted by Prof. Abhik Roy Choudhary, in the Automated Program Repair group in the School of Computing at NUS, Singapore. Prior to this, I was a postdoctoral researcher, hosted by Prof. Ori Lahav, in the School of Computer Science at Tel Aviv Univeristy.  I did my PhD (in Computer Science) from TIFR Mumbai under the esteemed supervision of   Prof.  Raja Natarajan.  

Research interests

I primarily work in areas of Formal Methods, Programming Languages, Software Engineering, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence. My current research is aimed at solving some concrete problems at the intersection of Program Semantics, Relaxed Memory Concurrency,  Theorem Proving, Automated Reasoning, and Program Synthesis .


Artifact Evaluation (PC):  POPL  2024PLDI 2024OOPLSA  2024ICFP 2024TACAS  2024,   ICFP  2023.

Reviewing (PC / External):    SRC@SPLASH 2024 (PC),   iFM 2024 (PC),  ICALP 2024JAR 2022SETTA 2017SETTA 2016.


Technical Reports