DAQ Suite - A Data Viz. Tool

As part of the Formula Student team at IIT Madras, I was looking into better ways to visualize the data we were logging to improve driver performance, for that I built this data visualization tool in MATLAB to replay the scenario on track through data. A GG diagram is at the center, with the position on track the right. Two driver controls - brake and steering are on the left with the vehicle speed below it.

In this case I was driving RFR20 at a test track setup in Chennai, India.

Before making this dashboard, I had a bunch of scripts that would parse, filter, derive quantities, and organize all the data collected and save them as .mat files saved with a particular naming convention. The data was organized into several containers, each pertaining to a different vehicle function - vehicle dynamics, engine systems, driver performance, etc.

Part of the derived quantities would be things like estimated gear, estimated clutch engagement, upshift-downshift counters including failed shift alerts. Figures showing the engine performance, transient performance and cooling system performance for the whole testing session were also generated separately.

This data organization and ease of visualization helped diagnose problems as every testing session's data was processed in the same way and was readily available for evaluation at the end of a session to anyone in the team in a convenient format.

Then taking this idea further, the team built a version of this which would support real time telemetry from the car during testing. This version also allowed you to compare two runs/segments of a run with overlays so that it is easier to explain to the driver where they need to improve.

All figures are mine & Raftar Formula Racing's.