

32.  Analyzing Covid-19 Data using SIRD Models

A Chakraborty, J Chen, A Desvars-Larrive, P Klimek, E Flores Tames, D Garcia, L Horstmeyer, M Kaleta, J Lasser, J Reddish, B Pinior, J Wachs, P Turchin

medRxiv : 

Journal articles

31. Inequality in economic shock exposures across the global firm-level supply network,

A Chakraborty, T Reisch, C Diem, P Astudillo-Estévez, S Thurner

Nature Communications 15, 3348 (2024).

30. Dynamic relationship between XRP price and correlation tensor spectra of the transaction network

A Chakraborty, T Hatsuda, Y Ikeda

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 639, 129686 (2024)

arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.05935

29. Arbitrage impact on the relationship between XRP price and correlation tensor spectra of transaction networks

A Chakraborty,  Y Ikeda

JPS Conf. Proc. , 011010 (2024)

arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.00051

28. Projecting XRP price burst by correlation tensor spectra of transaction networks

A Chakraborty, T Hatsuda, Y Ikeda

Scientific Reports 13, 4718 (2023). 

arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.03002

27. Embedding and correlation tensor for XRP transaction networks

A Chakraborty, T Hatsuda, Y Ikeda

JPS Conf. Proc. , 011003 (2023)

arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.09917

26. Hodge decomposition of the remittance network on the XRP ledger in the price hike of January 2018

Y Ikeda, A Chakraborty

JPS Conf. Proc. , 011004 (2023)

arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.02048

25. Aggregation of self-propelled particles with sensitivity to local order

K Bhattacharya,  A Chakraborty

Phys. Rev. E 105, 044124 (2022).

24. Is Firm-Level International Trade More Pronounced at the Inter-industry or Intra-industry Level?

A Chakraborty, Y Ikeda

Big Data Analysis on Global Community Formation and Isolation pp 23-61 (2021). 

23. Uncovering the hierarchical structure of the international FOREX market by using similarity metric between the fluctuation distributions of currencies

A Chakraborty, S Easwaran, S Sinha

ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A No. 1 Vol. 138 (2020)

22. Testing “efficient supply chain propositions” using topological characterization of the global supply chain network

A Chakraborty, Y Ikeda

PloS one 15 (10), e0239669 (2020)

21.  A model for indirect losses of negatives shocks in production and finance

H Krichene, H Inoue, T Isogai,  A chakraborty

PLoS ONE 15(9): e0239293 (2020). 

20.  Economic complexity of prefectures in Japan

A Chakraborty, H Inoue, Y Fujiwara

PLoS ONE 15(8): e0238017 (2020)

19.  A structured open dataset of government interventions in response to COVID-19 

A Desvars-Larrive, E Dervic, N Haug, T Niederkrotenthaler, J Chen, A Di Natale, J Lasser, D S Gliga, A Roux, A Chakraborty, A Ten, A Dervic, A Pacheco, D Cserjan, D Lederhilger, D Berishaj, E Flores Tames, H Takriti, J Korbel, J Reddish, J Stangl, L Hadziavdic, L Stoeger, L Gooriah, L Geyrhofer, M R Ferreira, R Vierlinger, S Holder, S Alvarez, S Haberfellner, V Ahne, V Reisch, V DP Servedio, X Chen, X M Pocasangre-Orellana, D Garcia, S Thurner 

Scientific Data   7,  285 (2020)

medRxiv: doi: 

18. Identification of key companies for international profit shifting in the global ownership network

T Nakamoto, A Chakraborty, Y Ikeda

Applied Network Science  2019, 4:58


17. The emergence of properties of the Japanese production network: How dolisted firms choose their partners?

H Krichene, Y Fujiwara,  A Chakraborty,  Y Arata, H Inoue,  M Terai

Social Networks 59 (2019) 1–9

Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) Discussion papers 18-E-011 2018

16.  Exponential random graph models for the Japanese bipartite network of banks and firms

A Chakraborty, H Krichene, H Inoue, Y Fujiwara

Journal of Computational Social Science 2, 3-13,  2019

15.   Tie-formation process within the communities of the Japanese production network: application of an exponential random graph model

H Krichene,  A Chakraborty,  Y Fujiwara,  H Inoue,  M Terai

Applied Network Science 4 (1),  5,  2019

14.  Hierarchical Communities in the Walnut Structure of the Japanese Production Network 

A Chakraborty, Y Kichikawa, T Iino, H Iyetomi, H Inoue, Y Fujiwara, Hideaki Aoyama 

PLoS ONE 13(8): e0202739 2018

Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) Discussion papers 18-E-026 2018

13.  Characterization of the community structure in a large-scale production network in Japan

A Chakraborty, H Krichene, H Inoue, Y Fujiwara 

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 513, 210-221 2019 

arXiv:  arXiv:1706.00203  2017

12.  Deviations from universality in the fluctuation behavior of a heterogeneous complex system reveal intrinsic properties of components: The case of the international currency market 

A Chakraborty, S Easwaran, S Sinha

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 509,  599-610 2018;   arXiv:1606.06111

11.  Shock Propagation Through Customer-Supplier Relationships: An Application of the Stochastic Actor-Oriented Model

Y Arata, A Chakraborty, Y Fujiwara, H Inoue, H Krichene, M Terai

International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, 1100-1110 2017

10.  Business cycles’ correlation and systemic risk of the Japanese supplier-customer network

H Krichene, A Chakraborty, H Inoue, Y Fujiwara 

PloS one 12 (10), e0186467  2017

9.  Jamming in a lattice model of stochastically interacting agents with a field of view

SN Menon, T Bagarti, A Chakraborty 

EPL (Europhysics Letters) 117 (5), 50007  2017; arXiv

8.  Network similarity and statistical analysis of earthquake seismic data

K Deyasi, A Chakraborty, A Banerjee

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 481, 224 2017

7.  Spontaneous fluctuations in a zero-noise model of flocking 

A Chakraborty, K Bhattacharya

EPL 116 (4), 48001  2016; arXiv 

6.  Weighted network analysis of earthquake seismic data

A Chakraborty, G Mukherjee, SS Manna

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 433, 336-343 2015

5.  Space-filling percolation

A Chakraborty, SS Manna

Physical Review E 89 (3), 032103 2014arXiv

4.  Disease spreading model with partial isolation

A Chakraborty, SS Manna

Fractals 21 (03n04), 1350015 2013

3.  Conservative self-organized extremal model for wealth distribution

A Chakraborty, G Mukherjee, SS Manna

Fractals 20 (02), 163-177 2012; arXiv

2.  Weighted trade network in a model of preferential bipartite transactions

A Chakraborty, SS Manna

 Physical Review E 81 (1), 016111 2010 ; arXiv 

1.  Formation of Turing Patterns on Fractal Substrate

S. B. Santra, A. Chakraborty, S. Sinha, 

Proc. S. S. P. Symp.  2007.  PDF link