Summer High School Referral

High School Referral - Summer

Please go to for more information or to apply!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there fixed class times or times that students need to be in Zoom?

No, students will make their own schedules. There are requirements that students complete orientation by or on the first day of class and that they take their final on the last day of class (between 2:30-8:30pm).

Instructors and tutors will be available on Zoom (through Canvas) Monday-Thursday from 2:30-8:30pm Monday-Thursday to assist students with any questions they might have. Instructors may also require that students check in with them on a weekly or bi-weekly basis through Zoom. The instructor will explain their class expectations (including Zoom check-in requirements) at orientation.

Is there a cost for the program?

No, the program is entirely free.

Is the class online, in-person, or a hybrid?

It is entirely online for Summer 2022.

When will I get the student's ID and orientation information?

We will send out that information in late May/early June. For students who apply after the initial mailing, they will get that information approximately a week after they apply.

How long will it take to hear back from you once I've applied?

Students must complete the HSR Student Summer Registration form (below) in order to be placed on the interest list. If you do not complete this form, then you will not be contacted, so please make sure to do it! Applications are processed twice a week and consist of checking to see if the student has a counselor referral (if they don't, then we will contact the counselors to get approval) and a Mt. SAC ID or Noncredit Application (which we will use to generate an ID). We will send the student a placement email (indicating whether the student is in the class or on a waitlist) once we have the student's Registration form, counselor approval, and Mt. SAC ID#.

How many classes can I take?

You can take one semester per session (so US History A in Session 1 and US History B in Session 2, for example), for a maximum of 10 credits. If you need more credits, please check out this site in August for information on our academic year HSR program.

Are classes still open?

We are VERY close to having a waitlist for social studies and English courses. We highly recommend that you submit your complete application for those courses as soon as possible.

How does the waitlist work?

If a student is placed on a waitlist then we will check to see how many students attend orientation and drop students who did not attend orientation (and didn't make alternate arrangements). We will then have a make-up orientation for students who were accepted off of the waitlist.

Who should I contact if I have questions?

Please send an email to and we will get back to you!