Most philosophers agree that abduction (in the sense of Inference tothe Best Explanation) is a type of inference that is frequentlyemployed, in some form or other, both in everyday and in scientificreasoning. However, the exact form as well as the normative status ofabduction are still matters of controversy. This entry contrastsabduction with other types of inference; points at prominent uses ofit, both in and outside philosophy; considers various more or lessprecise statements of it; discusses its normative status; andhighlights possible connections between abduction and Bayesianconfirmation theory.

Abduction is normally thought of as being one of three major types ofinference, the other two being deduction and induction. Thedistinction between deduction, on the one hand, and induction andabduction, on the other hand, corresponds to the distinction betweennecessary and non-necessary inferences. In deductive inferences, whatis inferred is necessarily true if the premises from which itis inferred are true; that is, the truth of the premisesguarantees the truth of the conclusion. A familiar type ofexample is inferences instantiating the schema

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Furthermore, many of those who think ABD1 is headed along the rightlines believe that it is too strong. Some think that abductionwarrants an inference only to the probable truth of the bestexplanation, others that it warrants an inference only to theapproximate truth of the best explanation, and still othersthat it warrants an inference only to the probableapproximate truth.

Secondly, one can formulate a symmetric or congruous version ofabduction by having it sanction, given a comparative premise, only acomparative conclusion; this option, too, can in turn be realized inmore than one way. Here is one way to do it, which has been proposedand defended in the work of Theo Kuipers (e.g., Kuipers 1984, 1992,2000).

We have already encountered the so-called argument of the bad lot,which, we saw, is valid as a criticism of ABD1 but powerless againstvarious (what we called) congruous rules of abduction. We hereconsider two objections that are meant to be more general. The firsteven purports to challenge the core idea underlying abduction; thesecond is not quite as general, but it is still meant to undermine abroad class of candidate explications of abduction. Both objectionsare due to Bas van Fraassen.

The best-known argument of this sort was developed by Richard Boyd inthe 1980s (see Boyd 1981, 1984, 1985). It starts by underlining thetheory-dependency of scientific methodology, which comprises methodsfor designing experiments, for assessing data, for choosing betweenrival hypotheses, and so on. For instance, in considering possibleconfounding factors from which an experimental setup has to beshielded, scientists draw heavily on already accepted theories. Theargument next calls attention to the apparent reliability of thismethodology, which, after all, has yielded, and continues to yield,impressively accurate theories. In particular, by relying on thismethodology, scientists have for some time now been able to find evermore instrumentally adequate theories. Boyd then argues that thereliability of scientific methodology is best explained by assumingthat the theories on which it relies are at least approximately true.From this and from the fact that these theories were mostly arrived atby abductive reasoning, he concludes that abduction must be a reliablerule of inference.

Kyle Smith of the New York Post said that "actual abduction may be preferable to the movie of the same name, but only if your kidnappers don't torture you by forcing you to watch it", adding that Lautner "has the acting chops of Bert from Sesame Street".[17] R. Kurt Oselund of Slate Magazine was also critical of Lautner, saying that he "can't carry a movie any more than Abigail Breslin can carry a refrigerator."[18] James Berardinelli gave it one out of four stars, saying, "For those who are indifferent to Lautner or who don't like him, the only way to survive Abduction is under the influence of a controlled substance, and even that may not be enough."[19] Catherine Brown of Filmink also gave it a scathing review, saying that "Singleton is poorly equipped to handle teenage angst, a fact made far worse by cringe-worthy dialogue and a wooden leading man who proves that he has not yet developed the skills required to carry a film."[20]

Cases are divided into three categories: Abductions, Concealments, and Visitations. If your child has been abducted, the CAU can begin an investigation to locate the child whether or not there was an order in place at the time of the abduction. Concealment cases, or cases in which you are having a problem enforcing visitation, can only be enforced if there is an existing court order. If you are not satisfied with the present court order, you may take the matter back to mediation and/or court.

In late 1993, the Criminal Division of the Washington State Attorney General's Office undertook a 3-1/2 year research project, partially funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, to study the investigation of child abduction murder cases.

In this first research project, published in 1997, researchers reviewed more than 600 child abduction murder cases across the United States, then interviewed the investigating detectives. This data provided law enforcement valuable insight into what investigative techniques tend to be most productive.

An international child abduction occurs when a child is taken from or kept outside Canada (usually by a parent or guardian) in breach of the rights of custody of another person (usually those of the other parent) or in breach of a court order.

International child abductions are difficult and complex situations. Unfortunately, they are common. Every year, Canadian children are wrongfully taken from Canada or held in another country by abducting parents.

Child abduction is a criminal offence in Canada, but when a parent abducts a child to another country, they are subject to the laws and procedures of the country they are in, which may be very different from those of Canada.

Immigration authorities abroad may ask to see a travel consent letter when a child enters or leaves a country with only one parent or without any parent. A consent letter will not prevent a child abduction. You should not sign a consent letter if you are concerned that your child may be taken or kept outside Canada.

A consular case management officer (CMO) will be assigned to work with you. CMOs are very knowledgeable about international child abductions and have detailed information about specific countries. They can direct you to organizations in Canada and abroad that help in situations of child abductions.

Child abductions to countries with which Canada does not apply the Hague Convention are challenging. These countries often differ from Canada in their politics, cultures and religions, and this can make it difficult or impossible to return the child to Canada.

If you try to take the child out of the country where they are being held without the permission of the other parent or the local authorities, it may be considered an abduction, which is a crime. Remember:

Reunification can be stressful for your whole family. After an abduction, you, your child and the rest of your family may need to get used to being together again. Many factors can affect the ease or difficulty of this process, including:

International child abduction: An international child abduction occurs when a child is taken from Canada or is kept outside Canada (usually by a parent or guardian) in breach of the custody rights of another person (usually the other parent) or in breach of a court order.

It is important to have a complete file of information and documentation about your child, the other parent and details relating to the abduction. Ask anyone acting on your behalf, including lawyers, to give you copies of written correspondence.

Teaching children about abduction safety is important, but the ultimate responsibility lies with trusted adults. Use these tips to help you learn more about abduction and how to better protect your child.

The District Attorney's Office Child Abduction Team is only involved when a parent or other family member abducts a child. Not only does child abduction involve violation of Family Court, Juvenile Court and/or Probate Court orders, but it also involves a felony violation of the law. The punishment for committing such a crime can be up to four years in prison and a $10,000 fine. If you are the parent or guardian of a missing child, the most important thing to remember is that you are not alone.

Linda Gordon has used [the orphan abduction's] events to explore issues of race, gender, class, economics and theories of the family in a beautifully constructed narrative and analysis of a flashpoint in American domestic history...Gordon uses her multiplicity of sources with great skill, all the time reminding us that some participants in the story have left no record of their experiences, particularly the children's birth mothers, the children themselves, and the Mexican families with whom they were to be placed. She contextualises the event superbly, giving us a well-rounded portrait of Clifton-Morenci at the time, as well as taking us through the ideological and emotional processes which moved people to act as they did.

In this remarkable history of an obscure event, Gordon skillfully casts light on myriad important subjects...[She] has done an extraordinary amount of research and has completely contextualized the orphan abduction. One finds learned chapters on the history of the Southwest, the copper mining industry, vigilantism, Mexican women, labor relations, and Catholicism. Especially informative are Gordon's lengthy discussions of historical definitions of whiteness and how the orphan abduction was instrumental in destroying the fluidity of race relations. ff782bc1db

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