CANCELLED: ABC in Gre[e]noble
Grenoble, France, 19-20 March 2020
French mirror of ABC in Svalbard, 12-13 April 2021
Consult this web page for details:
ABC in Grenoble will not be postponed
A virtual seminar series, ABC World Seminar, is starting during the lockdown period. It will feature some of the speakers originally programmed for the workshop, and many others. See the link for more details:
Take care!
ABC in Grenoble cancelled due to coronavirus outbreak
It is with regret that we have to cancel the ABC in Grenoble workshop. We (local organizers) will be waiting for the situation to settle down in order to possibly reschedule for a future date. If so, we would open up the call again both for contributed talks and posters.
As you may know, we were already planning to provide electronic options to hold virtual mirrors for the workshop. However, we considered that relying only on streamed talks from various places without a main venue here in Grenoble would make it hard to follow.
Any up-to-date information will be posted on this website. Stay tuned!
Live streaming of the workshop
All talks will be live streamed. Hence the ABC in Gre[e]noble pun in the title! There will be two ways for watching it live (just as for ISBA webinars):
Interactive way: if you are willing to set up a 'mirror session' of the workshop in your institution, essentially meaning you are going to gather some colleagues and watch at least part of the talks; you will be able to interact with the main event by asking questions at the end of the talks. Please contact Christian Robert ( who will provide you with a url. Setting up the connexion will require installing an app (Scopia).
Youtube live stream: the url will be made available here, and anyone can use it and watch. No way to ask questions. A chat should be open though!
The workshop will start on Thursday 19 at 9am, and end on Friday 20 at 4pm. See the poster below.
Registration (see below) is free but mandatory. We will offer lunches (Thursday & Friday) and a social dinner (Thursday) on top of Bastille hill.
Tentative schedule for both days
8.00 Welcome coffee (Thursday only)
8.50 Welcome address (Thursday only)
9.00 Session A
10.10 Coffee break
10.50 Session B
12.00 Lunch + Posters
14.00 Session C
15.10 Coffee break
15.50 Session D
17.45 Social event: guided tour of Grenoble (Thursday only)
19.30 Social dinner on top of Bastille (Thursday only)
Sessions for Thursday 19 (contributed talks still to be placed in sessions)
Session A Pierre-Alexandre Mattei
Session B Flora Jay
Session C Gael Martin
Session D Hien D. Nguyen
Sessions for Friday 20 (contributed talks still to be placed in sessions)
Session A Umberto Picchini
Session B Dennis Prangle
Session C Guillaume Dehaene
Session D Tommaso Rigon
Invited talks
Misspecified models
Guillaume Dehaene (EPFL, Switzerland) Understanding and addressing the Malediction of Misspecification
Gael Martin (Monash University, Australia) Focused Bayesian Prediction (joint with Ruben Loaiza-Maya, David T. Frazier)
Tommaso Rigon (Duke University, USA) A generalized Bayes framework for probabilistic clustering (joint with Amy Herring and David Dunson)
Neural network related techniques
Flora Jay (Université Paris-Saclay, France) Deep learning for population size history inference: design, comparison and combination with approximate Bayesian computation
Pierre-Alexandre Mattei (Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée, France) Partially Exchangeable Networks and Architectures for Learning Summary Statistics in Approximate Bayesian Computation (joint with Samuel Wiqvist, Umberto Picchini, Jes Frellsen)
Advanced computational techniques
Umberto Picchini (Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, Sweden) Stratified sampling and bootstrapping for approximate Bayesian computation (joint with Richard G. Everitt)
Dennis Prangle (Newcastle University, UK) Distilling importance sampling
Hien D. Nguyen (La Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) ABC via the Energy Statistic (joint with Julyan Arbel, Hongliang Lü, Florence Forbes)
Contributed talks
Patrick Laub (Université Lyon 1) High performance parallel ABC-SMC in Python: applications to inverse problems in reinsurance
Agnieszka Borowska (University of Glasgow) Gaussian process enhanced semi-automatic approximate Bayesian computation: parameter inference in a stochastic differential equation system for chemotaxis
Christopher Lester (University of Oxford) Multi-level Approximate Bayesian Computation
Irene Tubikanec (Johannes Kepler University Linz) Spectral density-based and measure-preserving ABC for partially observed diffusion processes. An illustration on Hamiltonian SDEs
Robin Eriksson (Uppsala University) Approximate Bayesian epidemiological modeling on networks
Owen Thomas (University of Oslo) Diagnosing model misspecification and performing generalized Bayes' updates via probabilistic classifiers
Maxime Vono (University of Toulouse) Asymptotically exact data augmentation: models, properties and algorithms
Grégoire Clarté (Université Paris Dauphine) ABC-Gibbs
Ivis Kerama (University of Reading) Rare event ABC-SMC^2
Samuel Wiqvist (Lund University) Efficient inference for stochastic differential equation mixed-effects models using correlated particle pseudo-marginal algorithms
Wentao Li (University of Hong Kong) Approximate Bayesian computation with optimally weighted composite scores
David Rohde (Criteo AI Lab) Bayesian Causality (discussion on Gelman's blog)
Otmane Sakhi (Criteo AI Lab) A Probabilistic Model for Recommendation that Combines Organic and Bandit Signals
Fateme Ghayem (GIPSA-lab, Université Grenoble Alpes) Optimal sensor placement for source extraction
Umberto Simola (University of Helsinki) Adaptive Approximate Bayesian Computation Tolerance Selection
Marko Järvenpää (Aalto University and University of Oslo) Batch simulations and uncertainty quantification in Gaussian process surrogate approximate Bayesian computation
Richard Everitt (University of Warwick) Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) and particle MCMC for calibrating and evaluating ecological models
Henri Pesonen (University of Oslo) ELFI - Engine for Likelihood-free Inference
Riccardo Corradin (University of Milano-Bicocca) Approximate latent random partition estimation
Local committee
- Julyan Arbel (Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes)
- Simon Barthelmé (Université Grenoble Alpes)
- Michael Blum (Université Grenoble Alpes)
- Florence Forbes (Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes)
- Olivier François (Université Grenoble Alpes)
Scientific committee
- Paul Fearnhead (Lancaster University)
- Michael Gutmann (University of Edinburgh)
- Gael Martin (Monash University)
- Christian Robert (Université Paris-Dauphine & University of Warwick)
- Judith Rousseau (University of Oxford)
- Scott Sisson (University of New South Wales)
IMAG Building, 700 avenue Centrale, Saint Martin d'Hères.
Wi-fi: the network Eduroam works in all the campus.
Registration, call for presentations and posters
Researchers interested in giving a talk or presenting a poster are invited to submit an abstract describing their research work.
In order to promote the participation of a large number of participants, the workshop is free.
Deadline for contributed talk submission: February 21
Decisions: February 28
Deadline for poster submission: March 6
Registration (free but mandatory): March 6
Workshop poster