Abby Meredith

Hello! I'm Abby Meredith. I'm a Senior at Lone Peak High School, and I play a lot of parts around Big Sky! Some of my roles include being a student, artist, actress, live videographer, school newscaster, restaurant host, and local Diet Coke enthusiast. I enjoy spending my time hanging out with my sisters, gaming and hanging with friends, and creating art using a variety of different mediums. I love my family and friends, and being a part of Big Sky's stellar community!

most recent art

"nike glitch.png"

most recent production

Irving Berlin's White Christmas

most recent livestream

Big Sky Community Theater's The Monologue Show from Hell

most recent blivet

the silly goofy DVD

page under construction! :)

featured artwork

over the years

"dreambee-2022.png" - 10/20/22

"espace.png" - 2022

"subway 159.png" - 2023

dreaming - 9/5/23

liana flores.jpeg - 2023

job simulator - 1/27/23

candelight.png - 3/8/22

waterfall - 12/2/23

my flight is delayed.jpeg - 6/21/23

fallen down - 2023

plane doodles.png - 2/20/23

nike_gal.png - 10/27/22

playing with voids.png - 02/14/23

florets - 6/12/23

inktober - 10/4/23

safe house - 4/26/23

lazz.png - 09/09/21

featured shots - livestreams

over the years

Her Gift, Her Creation: Connection - December 2022

Descendants: The Musical - August 2021

James Sewell Ballet: Earth Tomes - March 2022

James Sewell Ballet: 6 Solos & Other Works - March 2021

Her Gift, Her Creation: Connection - December 2022

Her Gift, Her Creation: Connection - December 2022

featured shots - productions

over the years

ELF: The Musical - December 2022 

(Courtesy of Sara Meredith)

Legally Blonde: The Musical - May 2021 

(Courtesy of Sara Meredith)

Roger & Hammerstein's Oklahoma! - May 2022 

(Courtesy of Gabrielle Gasser) 

Roger & Hammerstein's Cinderella - May 2023 

(Courtesy of Sara Meredith)