Objective: Students will be spelling a variety of words and exercising.


  • A parent can give you a spelling list to complete, you can come up with your own, or you can spell your name! Be creative!

A= 5 jumping jacks

B= 5 jumping jills

C= 10 burpees

D= hop on your right foot for 15 seconds

E= hop on your left foot for 15 seconds

F= crab walk for 10 seconds

G= 5 curl ups/sit ups

H= 10 mountain climbers

I= 5 push ups

J= 30 high knees

K= 10 Frankenstein kicks

L= 20 mountain climbers

M= 20 seconds butterfly stretch

N= 20 superheroes

O= hold plank for 20 seconds

P= 10 cherry pickers

Q= 5 burpees

R= jog in place for 20 seconds

S= 5 push ups

T= 10 curl ups/sit ups

U= 20 bottom kicks

V= 5 leg raises

W= hold plank for 20 seconds

X= hop on your left foot for 10 seconds

Y= hop on your right foot for 10 seconds

Z= 10 leg raises