
Tennis ball or any light/bouncy ball

Objective: Students will be focusing on their throwing and catching skills.


  • While standing in your driveway, throw the ball on the roof. Try to complete each challenge listed below.


1.) Throw, let it bounce, then catch with both hands

2.) Throw, let it bounce, then catch with right hand

3.) Throw, let it bounce, then catch with left hand.

4.) Throw from close distance, bounce, catch

5.) Throw from long distance, bounce, catch

6.) Throw, spin as many times as possible, let it bounce, catch

7.) Throw, jump as many ties as possible, let it bounce, catch


1.) Throw, catch at low level

2.) Throw, catch at high level

3.) Throw, dance moves, catch

4.) Throw, clap as many times as possible, catch

5.) Throw, hop on one foot as many times as possible, catch

6.) Balance on right foot, throw, catch

7.) Balance on left foot, throw catch


1.) Throw, catch at low level with one hand

2.) Throw, catch at high level with one hand

3.) Throw backward, turnaround and catch

4.) Throw from one side, run to the other, catch before it bounces

5.) Throw, catch before the bounce, take a step back. Repeat and see how far back you can go.

6.) How many catches in a row can you make with two hands?

7.) How many catches in a row can you make with one hand?


  • You can use the side of a building as well.