MATH 7113: Commutative Algebra


(incomplete) lecturenotes : Proof-read and send in typos.

Lecture 01: introduction

Lecture 02: ideals

Lecture 03: decomposition

Lecture 04: existence

Lecture 05: radical

Lecture 06: associated primes (vid)

Lecture 07: Zariski topology (vid)

Lecture 08: Hilbert nullstellensatz (vid)

Lecture 09: graded rings (vid)

Lecture 10: review (vid)

Lecture 11: well-quasi-order (vid)

Lecture 12: Gröbner bases I (vid)

Lecture 13: Gröbner bases II (vid)

Lecture 14: Gröbner bases III (vid)

Lecture 15: Hilbert polynomial (vid)

Lecture 16: Simplicial Complex (vid)

Lecture 17: Homology (vid)

Lecture 18: Stanley-Reisner ring (vid)

Lecture 19: Free resolution (vid)

Lecture 20: Hilbert Syzygy Theorem (vid)

Lecture 21: Free Modules (intro to categorical language)

Lecture 22: Tensor Product

Lecture 23: Krull dimension


Homework 01: hw01

Homework 02: hw02

Homework 03: hw03

Homework 04: hw04

Homework 05: hw05

Homework 06: hw06

Homework 07: hw07

Homework 08: hw08

The solutions are to be submitted as a PDF compiled via LaTeX.

Final Exam:

Sample, True


Homework 01: hw01

Homework 02: hw02

Homework 03: hw03

Homework 04: hw04

Homework 05: hw05

Homework 06: hw06

Homework 07: hw07

Homework 08: hw08

The solutions are to be submitted as a PDF compiled via LaTeX.

Final Exam:

Sample, True


Writing Mathematics:

A guide to writing mathematics by Kevin P. Lee


detexify: an online LaTeX symbol classifier

xypic: a package for typesetting commutative diagrams

Ipe (package for creating figures; recommended by several students)

Mathematical Humor:

Mathematics is too serious and, therefore, no opportunity should be missed to make it amusing.

Blaise Pascal

xkcd, a collection, a sample,