How to Remove Bathroom Tap Cartridge From Toilet

How to remove a bathroom tap cartridge is a question that plagues thousands of people. Most people do not know the right method to remove it and face serious problems. The problem is that the bathroom tap usually clogs up after some time. Actually, this step is the same as changing the catridge in bathroom sink taps . When you notice that the flow is not as smooth as it used to be, you should take action. Find out more about the tips that can help you when you are faced with this situation.

Make sure you turn off the water supply

Before you begin your adventure in how to remove a bathroom tap cartridge, ensure that you turn off the water supply at the main door before you start. This will prevent any overflow of water that can cause a clog. If there are any small children at home, ensure that they are away from the area while you clean the cartridge. It is also important to unplug the mains before you start cleaning the cartridge. A clogged cartridge will cause a lot of inconvenience for the user and this is something that you should try and avoid at all costs.

Remove the cartridge

The first step in your quest on how to remove the cartridge includes removing the spout from the toilet bowl. To do this, you need to unscrew the handle and pull it straight up. Once the handle is out, you need to pull it straight up by twisting it.

The next step that you need to follow is to remove the rubber gaskets. You should do this by sliding the lever straight down or clockwise depending on the type of cartridge. Once you have removed all the gaskets, you need to clean the cartridge with a wet rag or an anti-bacterial agent.

Remove the old wax ring

The third step is to remove the old wax ring. This is required because it is the only part of the cartridge that needs to be removed in order to properly remove it and replace it with a new one. In order to ensure accuracy in your removal, you need to make sure that you remove both the ring and the wax ring at the same time.

The fourth step is to remove any water that may remain in the tap. Once this is done, you should turn off the power to the tap and plug the cartridge in. Then, you need to unplug the adapter as well and then attach the spout to the wall. After that, you should place the cartridge onto the hook of the sink and then attach the sink's hook to the wall.