About Me

Aaqif Afzaal Abbasi received the PhD degree in computer engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. He is currently serving as Researcher with University of Palermo, Italy since Nov. 2023. He was Associate Professor with the Department of Software Engineering, Foundation University, Islamabad, Pakistan between Jan. 2019 till Oct. 2023. He was a visiting researcher at the University of Essex, UK in 2014 and served as Assistant Professor at Wuhan University, China between 2017 and 2018. He was Visiting Professor at University of Prishtina, Kosovo in 2023. His general research interests cover the broad area of computer communications with special emphasis on resource management. Specifically, his research is focused on designing new resource allocation algorithms, analyzing their performance, and prototyping those that find practical applications in large-scale computing systems. He is also interested in areas of application-awareness in high-performance distributed computing. Abbasi has over 60 research publications  articles mostly in well-reputed high impact factor journals. He has over 1100 citations, h-index 16 and i10-index 25. He hosted several special issues on topics of his research interests with international academicians. He is a member of the IAENG China and ACM, USA. 


(* = Corresponding author)



Conferences/ Workshops/ Chapters/Reports/ Non SCI 

Professional Services


Advisory/ TPC/ Reviewership

IEEE Internet of Things Journal (SCIE) |IEEE Access (SCIE) | Frontiers of Computer Science (SCIE) | Journal of Internet Technology (SCIE) | KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (SCIE) | Int. Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (SCIE)  | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (SCIE)  |  JITE – Research | JITE: Innovations in Practice | IJCSIS (Web of Science) | ATC’14-19 | InSITE’12-19 | 

Guest Editor

Awards and Distinctions