
Report on the Establishment of AAPPS Working Group on Women in Physics

Youngah Park*

International workshop on Asian Women in Physics, (2005, Pohang)

The Resolution of the APCTP International Workshop on Asian Women in Physics, Pohang, November 23-25, 2005 (see the Workshop report and the endorsed Resolution on the page 43, April 2006 AAPPS Bulletin.) was submitted and endorsed unanimously on the first day of the AAPPS 16th Council Meeting, April 3-4, held in Osaka, Japan. With the endorsement of the proposed resolution, AAPPS Working Group on Women in Physics was established as the first Working Group of AAPPS. Also the followings are endorsed on the second day of the council meeting for immediate activity of AAPPS working group.

1. Form a starting Working Group on Women in Physics with the following members and co-opt with a term until the end of 2007: Youngah Park (Chair, Korea ), Ling-An Wu (China-Beijing), Shu-Ching Yeh (China-Taipei), Wiwik. S. Subowo (Indonesia), L. Trong Tuyen (Vietnam), Eiko. Torikai (Japan), Michiji Konuma (Special Advisor of AAPPS), Seunghwan Kim (Liaison, Council of AAPPS).

2. Working Group needs to start immediately to produce a quick progress.

3. The councilor will be a starting contact from each society until a new one is nominated.

4. Propose to hold a AAPPC-APCTP Joint Forum this fall on the topic of “Women in Physics” for fast progress until APPC10.

5. To prepare a mailing list, setup a Working Group homepage and report the progress to the next AAPPS Council meeting.

It is expected this newly established working group will play a central role in the internationally collaborated activity for promoting women in physics in Asia Pacific region.

I hope that there will be close collaboration and stimulation between IUPAP Working Group and AAPPS Working Group on Women in Physics.


*Chair, AAPPS Working Group on Women in Physics; Professor of the Department of Physics, Myongji University, Yongin, Kyunggi-do, Korea, e-mail:

*Resolutions for Submission to the AAPPS Council Meeting

It is keenly recognized that physics is severely under-represented by women in Asia. The first International Workshop on Asian Women in Physics was held in Pohang, Korea from November 23-25, 2005 to discuss the issues of promoting gender equality in physics in the region. Over 40 people from 6 countries and regions attended, presented reports on their current situation and compared regional similarities and differences. As a summary the following suggestions were proposed:

1. The Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) Working Group on Women in Physics be organized and endorsement by AAPPS be requested. Activities of this working group should include participation by men and women.

2. The Physical Society of each country in the Asia-Pacific region is strongly urged to participate in the activities of AAPPS Working Group on Women in Physics through its own working group or committee.

3. The report of this meeting be sent to AAPPS Bulletin .

*Founding members of the AAPPS WGWIP

  • Youngah Park, Chair, Myongji University, Korea
  • Ling-An Wu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Beijing)
  • Shu-ching Yeh, National Tsing Hua University, China (Taipei)
  • Wiwik S. Subowo, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia
  • Eiko Torikai, University of Yamanashi, Japan
  • Le Thi Trong Tuyen, IMS, Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam