February 8 to 11, 2021, 1–4 EST

2021 NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship Symposium

held remotely on Zoom and streaming live on YouTube

A four-day remote symposium featuring talks from current NSF AAPF Fellows, with invited speakers and panelists addressing science, outreach, and career opportunities in astronomy.

19th Annual Symposium of the NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship

LOC: Keaton Bell (UW), Brian Clark (MSU), Jackie Monkiewicz (ASU)

Online Symposium Details

Registered participants will be provided Zoom coordinates by email.

Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) captions will be available to facilitate participation by those with hearing impairment.

Invited Speakers and Panelists

Jane Rigby

Science Keynote
NASA Goddard

Molly Simon

Outreach Keynote
Zooniverse, Arizona State

Gibor Basri

DEI in Outreach Panel
UC Berkeley

Lia Corrales

DEI in Outreach Panel
U of Michigan

Katy Garmany

DEI in Outreach Panel

Anna Voelker

DEI in Outreach Panel
Ohio State

Adam Beardsley

Careers Panel
Winona State

James Davenport

Careers Panel
University of Washington

Jessica Kirkpatrick

Careers Panel
KoBold Metals

Rukmani Vijayaraghavan

Careers Panel

Susan Mullally

Careers Panel

Harshal Gupta

Program Officer

Public Registration

If you would like to participate via Zoom, please register by February 5, 2021.