259. False Profits & Remember (VOY)
272. Revulsion & The Raven (VOY)
293. Juggernaut & Someone to Watch Over Me (VOY)
300. The Voyager Conspiracy & Pathfinder (VOY)
319. Friendship One & Natural Law (VOY)
332. Detained & Vox Sola (ENT)
340. Precious Cargo & The Catwalk (ENT)
359. Countdown & Zero Hour (ENT)
368. Bound & In a Mirror Darkly part 1 (ENT)
332. Detained & Vox Sola (ENT)
382. Vaulting Ambition (DISCO)
399. Through the Valley of Shadows (DISCO)
409. Stardust City Rag (PICARD)
426. Disengage (PICARD)
436. Far from Home (DISCO)
451. The Examples (DISCO)