How to book a flight on American Airlines online ?

You can book a flight up to 331 days in advance. You can book a maximum of 6 passengers in reservation at aa.com/flightchange . The remaining information is given below -

  • First step is to open the browser then go to the official website aa.com/flightchange of American airline .

  • Passenger then need to navigate towards the reservation section in order to provide all the details and information like destination city, arrival city and also mention all the dates of travel then tap on the search option.

  • All the available flight with provided details will appear on the screen, select the best available flight in order to provide all the details of the passenger.

  • Once the details are entered, select the seat and user can even add other additional services.

  • Payment screen will get displayed on the screen, pay the payment and when it will get processed, user will receive confirmation mail on the registered mail address of the user in very simple way.

  • American airline also provides 24 hour cancellation policy to all its users, which means if the customer wants to cancel or edit the reservation then it can be done easily without nay cost of it is done in 24 hours.

In case if the passenger need to manage the booking then it can be performed by visiting ( aa.com/flightchange ) the manage my booking section.

How to change flight online on American Airlines ?

Change flights anytime -

    • Login using your aa.com/flightchange account credentials or locate the flight you wish to change by its record locator code. The record locator is six characters long and should appear on your itinerary confirmation paperwork.

    • Check the box to the left of the reservation you want to change. Click the "aa.com/flightchange" button. If this button is missing or greyed out, your flight is not eligible for online changes, you must contact the American Airlines reservations desk by phone.

    • Search for your new flight when prompted. Select your replacement flight and click "Continue." Confirm changes, and submit payment for any applicable change fees and/or difference in fares. Print your new boarding pass if your flight departs in the next 24 hours.


Why we use american airlines flight change policy ?

Sometimes, due to the situations or any emergency; the passengers need to change their flight booking. It is good to know that it is possible with American airlines. With American airlines, it is very simple and convenient for the passengers to change your flight booking. It is one of the famous American airlines that has it’s headquarter in Fort Worth, Texas, United States. The fleet size of the airline is 870. This airline provides excellent customer support to its passengers. The American Airlines Flight Change Fee is $200 for domestic flights and $750 for international flights. Here are some points by which you can change the flight booking.


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