Seasons of Change Ch. 04

~Chapter 4~

The Mystique of Forced Male Bisexuality

The next morning went mostly the same as the previous one although they slept later due to the exertions of the "Tea Party." First they had morning sex, then breakfast, then sex again then finally ablutions followed by her picking out some lingerie for him. She so enjoyed watching him put it on, that she decided it was time for a bit of a fashion show so that she could decide what her favorite was for the day. She delighted in everything he tried on for her and made him change three times, taking pictures of each outfit. Her heart pounded as she dressed him, hooked garters to hose, pulled up or pulled down panties and finally she needed to masturbate just from the sheer thrill of making him into "Her girl" in so many ways.

She had not dressed herself, except for throwing on a sheer nightie that she knew would excite him. She told him to sit at the end of the bed while she lay in front of him very close and pulled, pinched, rubbed and otherwise manipulated her clit.

"This is what I always do when I'm talking to you, you you'll have this image burned into your memory every time we do this when we have to be apart." She took the Magic Wand from the side of the bed where it always stayed and put it directly on her clit tip and buzzed it for a few minutes.

"If you want babe, get the camera and take some pics for yourself, I only have that one of my naked cunt and it is a few years old. I won't mind if you want some that you've taken yourself!" Then she moved the head of the vibrator to the side of her clit and made herself orgasm hard and fast. He snapped a couple of her in the throes of orgasm and then as her cunt hole dribbled out her excretions. His erection was straining in his panties from the act of only being able to watch, so when she recovered a bit, she knelt in front of him and sucked him off so that he wouldn't be aching all day while they got ready for the swing party.

They ran a few errands; he dressed in lingerie under his casual khakis and light weight shirt and she in shorts and a tank top, flip flops, no bra or panties; her basic uniform for the hot, sultry summer days of her hometown. They picked up some Chinese food for lunch and took it back to the house to enjoy. She fed him her favorites and they talked about what his were and different cuisines they each enjoyed.

She absolutely adored having him with her finally. Even though this was only a visit and just the first one, she knew that there would be a time in the future when they would do these things together every single day. Her picking out his lingerie to wear under his daily "mundane" attire, sharing her body with him, sharing the tiniest things like favorite food, music and movies, things that might not have seemed important as individuals, but made being a couple all that more special. She even thought about her need to submit to him when they were both in the mood to mix things up a little bit.

They decided to take a short nap because sometimes the play parties on swing night could run extremely late. Stripped down to only both of them in panties, they touched lightly as they dozed. It was too warm to cuddle, as much as they might have wanted to. The fan whirred above them, blowing the cool air of the central unit onto their all but naked bodies. She promised herself that she wouldn't talk to him about the future while he was there, but she couldn't help but think about it as she watched him sleeping. "It could be like this every day," She wanted to say to him when he awoke, but somehow she knew in her heart that he already realized this fact.

She liked to tell people who were suffering in vanilla relationships that they thought would strangle them, there would come a time when you knew you couldn't take one more minute of "normal." She was already there and was just waiting patiently for him to join her. Stayed and traditional can seem so very appealing when you're "in the closet," but after you've had a taste of the other side, it's sometimes impossible to go back to that place. It was funny in a way, he was so worried about what anyone would think if he was discovered, but the only people who would know would be the ones "in the lifestyle!" That was what she always meant when she said, "If someone sees us on here, then they aren't going to judge us, babe. They are just as kinky in their own way as we are!"

No one in her normal day to day interactions had any idea that she was a Domme and no one would suspect that he, an imposing figure of a man, was submissive and feminine in his Mistress' careful, patient, care. Oh, he had a "Dom" lurking in a small part of his psyche, but it didn't come out very often and that's the way they both preferred it. She wondered if he realized back in March how very amazed she was when she discovered this very secret side of him. She had told him that she wasn't sure how she could possibly love him any more than she had before the moment she realized that he wanted to cross dress completely for her, but she was sure that after the last two days, he was quite convinced of the fact.

They woke a couple of hours before they needed to be at the café for the "social hour" or as she liked to call it, "the façade that everyone saw in public." Ten or twenty people laughing and talking, drinking as friends do, who would leave that place, drive to a motel, and fuck each other's brains out. Men sucking men, women sucking women, men fucking men, women and trans folks; all these couplings and more happened at their swing parties. She really couldn't wait for him to witness one of these events in person. She had taken pictures for years and sent them to him, but his first real taste of it had been yesterday with the "Ladies who lunch!" They were a good crowd, normal, sweet, compassionate people who just preferred to have sex with those of their own sex once in a while.

He spent the time checking on his kids, reading e-mail and checking on things at work, although she told him that there would be VERY FEW times when she'd allow his work to interfere with their personal time while he was here on vacation. His kids were a different story of course, they both texted and kept in touch with their kids a couple of times a day and both knew that beyond each other, that was the most important part of the other's life. It was the main reason they weren't already living together, the kids and their lives, education and futures were the most important thing to both of them. Her kids were just about done with high school and off to college, only a year left for her youngest, but his youngest was just entering high school and that's where all the miles and the question of why they couldn't just move in together rested.

She knew that he wanted to protect his kids at all costs, and by protecting them, he meant not letting them have any idea about their kinks, predilections or fantasy life, but it hurt her that he thought she would ever reveal anything about it to them, just because her kids knew a tiny bit about her lifestyle. She would wait though if she must for the four years that his daughter had left in high school if it meant that she could spend every last day with him for the rest of their lives. This was the only point of contention in their approach to the future.

After 9/11 she was of the opinion that life was way too short to waste time on what ifs, maybes and fantasies. In other words, CARPE DIEM my friends, SIEZE THE DAY! She told the people she loved, then and now, how much they meant to her every day, kissed her children every time she could and tried to do the things that were of importance with them, teaching them the core values of justice and equality that meant so very much to her.

This perspective meant that the time that the two of them spent away from each other felt wasted; time they could never get back and truthfully all she wanted was to take full advantage of every day of those four years, savor all the time that they could TOGETHER, but he was apprehensive about bringing her into his well-established household and couldn't and wouldn't abandon his kids to a life without him in it on a daily basis. It was an admirable trait indeed, but it caused them a good bit of grief over the first months they were discovering their immeasurable love for each other. He knew she wanted to live together and she knew that he was frightened of the future, so they took each day as it came for now, making the small concessions that were necessary to make each other happy. Neither one wanted to lose the other, they had considered the consequences more than a few times, and had more than a few disagreements about it, but both had decided that the other meant too much to them to consider a future without the other in it.

After catching up on work and kids, they worked together in the kitchen on a light supper, not wanting to be overly full for their play date. They ate sitting close to each other, not in a romantic way, but just needing to be close enough to touch for reassurance in each other's physical and emotional connection before venturing out into the unpredictable world of the swinging lifestyle. There was no jealousy between them, but the need to keep a connection between couples who do swing is the most important part of the puzzle. Loving touches and lustful glances were traded between them as they finished eating. She wanted so much to share this part of her life with him, the club she had built from the ground up, nurtured and successfully brought back to life after the guilt from her ex's vanilla point of view caused her to abandon it for a few years.

It wouldn't matter what he wore tonight, it was only a bright red collar that she intended to put him in when they arrived at the hotel. She picked out something simple and sexy though for him to wear under his street clothes, a satin pair of panties only, that would rub seductively on his "clit" all evening and remind him of his place with her when they were in the presence of the others.

They arrived at the café before anyone else. She always liked to be the first one there in case any new people happened in. They sat at the bar and waited as a few of the regulars filtered in and a few new people as well. By 7:15 they were a group of 15 seated around three tall tables pushed together with tall stools circling the whole configuration. They chatted amiably and he got to see how she interacted with them for the first time. It really wasn't anything special. If someone had observed them from outside the group, they would not have realized that anything kinky was indeed going on.

There were 5 couples where the husband or bf was bi, 3 single girls and 2 single guys. She had a transgender friend who was meeting them at the hotel around 8 so that would make them 16 in total. She had reserved 2 adjoining rooms and everyone pitched in toward the cost. By the time it was time to leave to meet at the motel, he was a bit more at ease. They were such "normal", nice people and the idea that he was about to kneel, stripped naked except for his Mistress' collar around his neck to perform sexual acts on these people was a bit less daunting.

They drove slowly, as there were new people following from out of town and she chatted with him about the people she had known for a while and how the new ones came to the group. He asked questions about what she had done with the people who were there tonight and she told him about scenes where she had watched her friend, Henry suck her ex-boyfriend's cock in a 69, seen him do a daisy chain with 5 other guys, watched as he fucked a guy who lived the gay lifestyle for years and finally decided he liked women too and how she had sucked the guy himself off a few times herself. He was tan (a nudist), tattooed, uncut and pierced and she adored all of those things on him, plus he loved to kiss and she was an avid fan of that as well. Of course that was before he was ever in the picture and lately she was thinking of reserving kissing to just the two of them.

They went in and paid for the rooms, she kept an account for everyone to donate too and then when it was time she just transferred that amount to her regular checking account. After the rooms were paid for, they went out to the parking lot and met the rest of the group, all of them entering through the back door of the hotel that led to the parking lot. Seeing as how no one wanted the girl at the desk to see all of them coming in together (silly but true!) They arrived at the rooms and she propped the door open between them, then set about taking off her clothes. She chatted amiably with everyone as she had learned from her ex-boyfriend and former swing partner that people were much more at ease once they were naked!

When she was stripped and ready, she asked him to undress and kneel naked at her feet while she symbolically collared him. The act of having her collar around his neck was both electric and paralyzing. He had yearned for this moment for countless years and the fact that he was in a hotel room full of bisexual swingers, naked and collared at his Mistress' feet was such a compelling sensation that he closed his eyes and just sat contemplating it until she touched his shoulder softly, indicating that he should follow her to the beginning of his immersion into the vast encounters of the swinging lifestyle.

As he followed her to one of the four beds in the two adjoining rooms, his collar being pulled by a thin black leash, he drank in the atmosphere of two rooms full of naked bodies of all shapes, sizes, skin colors and excitement levels. It was almost too much to absorb, but soon there was a man standing next to her and she was stroking a thick, nine inch cock right in front of his face. He knew what she wanted; what she expected, but he waited for her to say it, because this was her fantasy! She didn't disappoint as she knelt next to him and looked him in the eyes, straight into his soul.

"Open" was the only word she needed to say and soon the head of a strange man's cock was lying on his tongue as he closed his mouth around it. He licked around the head and up the shaft about 2 or 3 inches, not taking in more than he could handle for the first pass. The flavor was a bit salty, just like nibbling behind her ear when it was warm and she had been perspiring a bit, nothing bad or repulsive, and the feel of the tumescent member was a bit strange, but enticing in a strangely erotic way. The more he sucked and felt the man pump his mouth, the more he fell into the role of a submissive cock-sucking tramp, simply carrying out any command that his Goddess issued. Anything that made him feel cheap or nasty tended to propel him into the deepest level of subspace that he could possibly experience.

She whispered in his ear, "You look so beautiful, Dez!" and his clit dripped a huge dollop of pre-ejaculate onto the carpet. "Good God," he thought, how could anything be more lascivious than hearing her say that in her husky whisper right next to his ear; her sweet breath on his neck, causing a bevy of goose bumps to arise on his arms and neck?

The man wasn't forceful, he obviously knew this was his first time, so he was glad that he didn't have a throat full of cock right away, causing him to gag or choke in front of all these strangers, but even that would have caused him considerable excitement too. She held the shaft close to the man's balls, rubbing one finger seductively around in a circle on the tanned, shaved skin of his testicles. "Lick here," she said and his face went lower causing the man's penis to rest on his forehead and the scent of pure male pheromones to enter his nasal passages and cause such a wave of pure lust that he was visibly shaken by the humiliation he felt at being aroused by it.

Mistress released the man's penis and testicles and moved back onto the bed, spreading her legs wide. "Get me wet, slut!" she commanded and he moved quickly between her lewdly draped legs. He licked and suckled her clit and lips the way she adored, hoping to give her at least some pleasure before this man fucked his most beloved Goddess. It didn't take long of course, he knew all her hot spots from the last three days of pleasuring her and she was soon sopping wet with girl cum.

She touched his forehead to indicate that she wanted him to cease his activity and he glanced up at her as she pointed to her lips. He smiled to himself that he knew before she asked what she wanted; to share her cum with her in the most erotic way possible.

Her friend stood at the side of the bed stroking his massive erection, waiting for his turn. All around he could hear the noises of other couples, threesomes and foursomes fucking, but he kept his eyes and his attention focused on her for the moment. The atmosphere was so sexually charged that if it were colored the room would have been full of an aura of the brightest rainbow. John, the friend with the rigid 9 inch member was now climbing between his Mistress' spread thighs, ready to fuck her long, hard and deep. He knelt next to the bed and watched intently. He had never seen anyone else fuck her. Her eyes were on him the whole time, letting him see every emotion, every feeling she was having as that thick hot piece of meat skewered her deep inside her cavernous cunt. It was so erotic, so sensual, watching her. He knew what she looked like when he pleasured her of course, the noises she made that were uniquely hers, but not having to concentrate on being the one to give her the pleasure was a treat indeed.

He knew that this guy had wonderful staying power by reputation; his Mistress had been playing with him for about six or seven months, both at parties and in 3somes and 4somes. He was a tiny bit jealous of how much control he had being buried inside that huge hot cunt. He felt himself physically quiver just thinking of how hot, wet and juicy she was wrapped around him. He was sheathed of course, she could still get pregnant and that was something they didn't need at this point, so the condom gave him somewhat of a buffer, but still he stayed hard a very long time. After pumping her missionary style for a good ten minutes, he asked her to flip over and he pushed into her ass, using only her gooey natural secretions as lubrication. She was well practiced at this and it caused her no pain whatsoever anymore. He held her hips and her wide ass cheeks wobbled significantly as he plowed her deep and fast.

Looking back over her shoulder to the stud fucking her, she said something that made her slave wince a little, "John, why don't you take that rubber off and cum in my ass, so my sweet little slut can get her first dose of a stranger's sperm right from my sweet asshole?"

He felt himself moan involuntarily. "Oh my god," he said out loud without thinking of who was around or who might hear. These scenes were so surreal and even though he had listened to her tell him for years that she was going to do this to him; the reality of it was so much more astonishingly carnal than he could have ever anticipated. The man pulled out of her and unrolled the well-used condom from his cock and deposited it unceremoniously on the upturned face of a submissive cross-dressing sissy slut who couldn't fathom this act but knew instinctively what was next.

She looked into his humiliated face and mouthed, "IN YOUR MOUTH!" and his brain short-circuited with this huge dose of degradation. His training and natural submissive instinct told him not to question, to simply open his mouth, push the disgusting dick cover in his mouth and suckle it until he had extracted all of his Mistress' and her lover's flavor off of it. "Chew it," she said with an evil giggle and the sound of her mischievous chuckle filled his ears and brain, sending pulses of electricity down his spine and into every part of his body.r"