The Author & The Emerging Demand for Mobility

Mobility is an attribute of emerging technologies that cannot be denied. While educators and politicians rightfully debate the presence of phones in schools, the reality is that inside and outside the classroom students and adults increasingly rely upon mobile devices for access to information and tools. With the push of artificial intelligence, tools that are mobile and incorporate AI are moving to the forefront.

Steve Acree

I have worked in education for almost two decades as a teacher and an administrator. When I began teaching I had a flip phone in my pocket and I've witnessed firsthand the emergence of smart technology and the increasing significance of mobility. In my Advanced Placement courses, I have sought to harness the power of mobility and artificial intelligence in developing student study strategies. Even as schools grapple with phone policies, I believe in enabling students to embrace these technologies effectively and ethically. I developed the post-secondary guidance department in an emerging independent school, and I currently work closely with alumni to harness connections and emerging trends for our future graduates.

Mobile Tools to Assist Learning

Mobile devices have already been part of the student experience for years, both inside the classroom and outside. Many schools and districts have operated a one-to-one laptop program for a long time, while others function with a Bring Your Own Device policy. The Google Classroom and similar platforms encourage and require students to access materials and assignments digitally, increasing demand for mobile access.  Review tools and games such as Kahoot and Pollster enable educators to assess progress using mobile devices, and to increase the engagement and results of their students. (Loveless, 2024) Students who choose to take Advanced Placement classes frequently access their MyAp sites and use the tool both in class and independently as they prepare for their exams. In my experience, students actively seek tutoring and study solutions that are mobile, easy to use, and increasingly utilize AI to create top-notch study tools.

Try it out yourself!

If you have not yet tried out the world of apps available for students and teachers to engage with, check it out! Kahoot can be downloaded from your app store or accessed through a web browser. The link below will take you to see some of the materials that are available to my history students.

Try Out Kahoot!

In our discussion board, tell us about any of your experiences with Kahoot or other mobile tutoring tools.