UI Development
Web Foundation - WF-0002
Journey Outline
🎯Explore web development as a potential career path.
12 + 45 $25
Age Mins Group
9 months available in
3 modules English / Russian
Key Points
Stay Safe Online: Learn how to protect yourself on the internet.
Your Future as a Developer: Discover the exciting world of coding.
Master ReactJS: Learn to build amazing websites with one of the most popular tools.
Real-World Experience: Build websites that people actually use.
Why Enroll?
Stay Safe Online: Learn how to protect yourself from cyber threats.
Level Up Your Skills: Gain real-world skills for your future.
Think Like a Pro: Develop your brainpower to solve problems and make smart choices.
Let's Get Digital! Join us on this awesome adventure.
Journey modules
Part One
Duration: 2 months / 8 weeks
Any Computer
Taste of the Web 🌐
🎯 Gain a foundational understanding of web development concepts and skills.
Learning Objectives:
Digital Citizenship:
Understand basic computer security practices.
Web Fundamentals:
Learn the building blocks of websites: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Explore the structure, style, and behavior of web pages.
Course Content:
Module 1: Foundations of Web Development
HTML and CSS Basics:
Introduction to web development
Understanding HTML structure
Styling web pages with CSS
Creating basic web layouts and designs
JavaScript Fundamentals:
Variables, data types, and operators
Control flow (if/else, loops)
Arrays and objects
DOM manipulation
Homework: Practical assignments.
Number Guessing Game
Quiz Game
Tic-Tac-Toe Game
Knowledge Quiz
Part Two
Duration: 3 months / 12 weeks
Any Computer,
Module: wf-002/ Part One
Creator - It's time to roll up your sleeves 🥣
🎯Develop basic developer skills to build a real-world web site.
Learning Objectives:
Digital Citizenship:
Recognize and avoid cyber threats.
Respect intellectual property rights.
Web Development:
Learn the fundamentals of ReactJS framework.
Design and build interactive web pages.
Course Content:
Module 2: ReactJS Core Concepts
Introduction to ReactJS:
What is ReactJS?
Setting up a React development environment
JSX syntax
Components and props
State and Props:
Managing component state
Passing data between components
Handling Events:
Responding to user interactions
Lists and Keys:
Rendering dynamic lists of items
Forms and Input Handling:
Creating and validating forms
Handling user input
Practical Assignments:
Homework: Practical assignments.
Website Planning and Design
Website Development and Deployment
Knowledge Quiz
Part Three
Duration: 4 months / 48 weeks
Any Computer,
Module: wf-002/ Part Two
'Bob' the Web-builder 🛠️
🎯AI Role in Web Development. Lay a solid foundation in web development technologies to create interactive and dynamic websites.
Learning Objectives:
Web Development:
Learn the production ReactJS topics.
Optimise website performance.
Website testing:
Explore Website excellence options.
Learn test techniques.
Course Content:
Module 3: Advanced React Topics
React Router:
Creating single-page applications
Routing and navigation
Managing global state
Actions, reducers, and the store
useState and useEffect hooks
Custom hooks
Performance Optimization:
Memoization and useCallback
Testing React Applications:
Unit testing with Jest
Integration testing with React Testing Library
Practical Assignments:
Homework: Practical assignments.
Optimise website performance Website.
To-Do List app.
Knowledge Quiz
Journey Instructor
Andrei Vassiliev
About Our Team