UI Development
Web Foundation - WF-0002 

Journey Outline

🎯Explore web development as a potential career path. 

    12 +           45              $25    
  Age             Mins        Group 

   9 months            available in      

  3 modules        English / Russian 

Key Points

Why Enroll?

Let's Get Digital! Join us on this awesome adventure.

Journey modules

Part One

Duration2 months / 8 weeks   


Taste of the Web     🌐

🎯 Gain a foundational understanding of web development concepts and skills.

Learning Objectives:

Course Content:

Module 1: Foundations of Web Development

Knowledge Quiz

Part Two

Duration:  3 months / 12 weeks   


Creator - It's time to roll up your sleeves 🥣

🎯Develop basic developer skills to build a real-world web site.

Learning Objectives:

Course Content:

Module 2: ReactJS Core Concepts

Practical Assignments:


Knowledge Quiz

Part Three

Duration:  4 months / 48 weeks   


'Bob' the Web-builder     🛠️

🎯AI Role in Web Development. Lay a solid foundation in web development technologies to create interactive and dynamic websites

Learning Objectives:

Course Content:

Module 3: Advanced React Topics

Practical Assignments:


Knowledge Quiz

Journey Instructor

Andrei Vassiliev

About Our Team