Seeing more severe disease in younger adults with underlying conditions mirrors findings from larger populations that include people from other age groups, says Aaron Milstone, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins University.

Some common synonyms of reflect are cogitate, deliberate, reason, speculate, and think. While all these words mean "to use one's powers of conception, judgment, or inference," reflect suggests unhurried consideration of something recalled to the mind.

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In some situations, the words think and reflect are roughly equivalent. However, think is general and may apply to any mental activity, but used alone often suggests attainment of clear ideas or conclusions.

Love that! My best recommendation would be to source some sweetened condensed coconut milk and test it out first. Luckily, mirror glaze can be made ahead and tested and if it works, refrigerate until you need to gently bring it back to the correct pouring temperature.

Thank you so much! I followed every word in your tutorial and the results were amazing! Thanks for sharing. I wish I could share the picture of the cake, it looks so profesional thanks to your tutorial.

Unfortunately, you really do need the chocolate for a great mirror glaze. Are you able to find white chocolate chips perhaps? You may be able to find them online as well. It would be worth the trouble.

Chilling is very, very important to mirror glaze. Not only does it allow you to keep a great shape, but also quickly sets the glaze before it dulls more. I would give that a try. Not knowing what recipe you used, you also need to be sure your chooclate chips are real cocoa butter white chococalte, not oil-based like most grocery store items are. Good luck!

I want to make a holiday cake for Christmas I have the cake recipe and everything I want to do but I want to make it mirrored my only question, is it ok to use frosting and freeze it then glaze it or is buttercream better?

What kind of frosting to use before pouring the glaze above? Is any kind of buttercream / cream frosting / mousse is possible to create a mirror glaze? Most of the videos uses mousse, so im curious if its possible to use normal frosting before the glaze.

I tried the mirror glaze with a frozen mousse cake and the top looks great. However it looks like the glaze did not stick to the sides of the cake! It has turned out streaky, with the mousse cake visible in some parts.

Hi Phillip, Thanks for recipe! This was first time I make this glaze, however it turned great! I put cake in cake container ant kept it in freezer. After I took it out, glaze looked shiny and mirrory ,same as right after I made it! Glaze is really sticky so you can either put some toothpicks on the side of the cake and cover it with a plastic wrap or simply put the cake in cake container so it does not touch the glaze. Either way glaze looks grate even if you keep it in freezer and it will not freeze or harden or change the colors.

hello I tried the mirror glaze for the first time tonight. I frosted the cake and then froze it. for some reason the mirror glaze was very thin and runny even though I followed the recipe. the recipe called for 16 ounces of candy melts in my bag was only 12 ounces. I did not let the mirror glaze cool before applying and my mirror glaze came out very transparent. Should the glaze be cool to room temperature before being applied?

Mean word frequency (per million), length (in number of letters and phonemes), number of syllables, bigram frequency (type and token) and number of orthographic and phonological neighbors (N and PN size, respectively) of the words used in the experiment. Standard deviations are provided within parentheses.

Probabilities of fixations on the target word (green markers) and on the distractor (red markers) in each display condition for the subgroup of beginning readers. Time is plotted on the x-axis (in 50ms-bin resolution). Error bars represent upper and lower 95% confidence limits, such that no overlap between conditions indicates a significant target-distractor difference. The solid black line in each graph corresponds to the time bin from which the two strings attracted significantly more (FDR-corrected) fixations.

Probabilities of fixations on the target word (green markers) and on the distractor (red markers) in each display condition for the subgroup of expert readers. Time is plotted on the x-axis (in 50ms-bin resolution). Error bars represent upper and lower 95% confidence limits, such that no overlap between conditions indicates a significant target-distractor difference. The solid black line in each graph corresponds to the time bin from which the two strings attracted significantly more (FDR-corrected) fixations.

Neglect Dyslexia is a neuropsychological syndrome in which patients commit consistently lateralised letter omission, addition, and substitution errors when reading individual words. Although neglect dyslexia frequently co-occurs with domain-general visuospatial neglect, some cases of neglect dyslexia may be best characterised as a dissociable impairment within a word-centred reference frame. This investigation employs data from a single case study of a patient who demonstrated word-centred neglect dyslexia to clarify neglect dyslexia's relationship with visuospatial neglect. AB completed the Oxford Cognitive Screen and an original reading assessment in which she read 302 words, pseudo-words, and numbers presented in normal, vertical, and mirror-reflected orientations. AB was found to commit consistently lateralised right neglect dyslexia errors (e.g., SHOWN misread as "show" or RELATED misread as "relate"). By contrast, AB did not exhibit object-centred or viewer-centred neglect. AB was also found to commit lateralised reading errors affecting the terminal portions of words when lateralised spatial bias was eliminated by presenting words vertically. Additionally, AB consistently misread terminal letters (originally right-lateralised) even when words were mirror-reflected so that these letters were presented in the left side of space. AB committed no neglect dyslexia errors when reading normally, vertically, or mirror-reflected numbers, and demonstrated a qualitatively different error pattern when reading pseudo-words. The results of this case study imply that neglect dyslexia can involve a content-specific, word-centred cognitive deficit and can be dissociated from egocentric and allocentric visuospatial neglect.

You can clean the powder well with water, but keep well clear of that mirror. Brush out all powder with a stiff paintbrush or toothbrush, then use luke warm water with washing up liquid to attack any remaining clog. A tiny spritz of glass cleaner on a cloth (not onto the mirror) will help you polish the mirror / remove any persistant makeup.

The basic recommendation is to use systematic names to describe each sequence variation. For this, variations are described at the most basic level, i.e. the DNA level, using either a genomic or a cDNA reference sequence. A genomic reference sequence is preferred because it overcomes difficult cases, including multiple transcription initiation sites (promoters), alternative splicing, the use of different poly-A addition signals, multiple translation initiation sites (ATG-codons) and the occurence of length variations. When, like in most cases, the entire genomic sequence is not known, a cDNA reference sequence should be used instead.Ā  sequence variations are described in relation to a reference sequence for which the accession number from a primary sequence database (Genbank, EMBL, DDJB, SWISS-PROT) should be mentioned in the publication/database submission (e.g. M18533)tabular listings of the sequence variations described should contain columns for DNA, RNA and protein and clearly indicate whether the changes were experimentally determined or only theoretically deduced to avoid confusion in the description of a sequence change, preceed the description with a letter indicating the type of reference sequence used; "g." for a genomic sequence (e.g. g.76A>T)"c." for a cDNA sequence (e.g. c.76A>T)"m." for a mitochondrial sequence (e.g. m.76A>T) (from David Fung, Camperdown, Australia) "r." for an RNA sequence (e.g. r.76a>u)"p." for a protein sequence (e.g. p.K76A)to discrimintate between the different levels (DNA, RNA or protein), descriptions are unique; at DNA-level, in capitals, starting with a number refering to the first nucleotide affected (e.g. c.76A>T)at RNA-level, in lower-case, starting with a number refering to the first nucleotide affected (e.g. r.76a>u)at protein level, in capitals, starting with a letter referring to first the amino acid (one-letter code) affected (e.g. p.T26P)a range of affected residues is indicated by a "_"-character (underscore) separating the first and last residue affected (e.g. 76_78delACT)

Ā NOTE: current recommendations use the "-"-character (i.e. 76-78delACT)for deletions, duplications or insertions in short tandem repeats, the most 3' nucleotide is arbitrarily assigned as the nucleotide changedtwo sequence variations in one allele are listed between brackets, separated by a "+"-character (e.g. [76A>C + 83G>C])

Ā NOTE: current recommendations use the ";"-character as a separator (i.e. [76A>C; 83G>C])sequence changes in different alleles (e.g. for recessive diseases) are listed between brackets, separated by a "+"-character (e.g. [76A>C] + [87delG])

Ā NOTE: the current recommendation is [76A>C + 87delG]a unique identifier should be assigned to each mutation. The unique OMIM-identifier can be used, otherwise database curators should assign unique identifiers DNA levelĀ  nucleotides are designated by the bases (in upper case); A (adenine), C (cytosine), G (guanine) and T (thymidine) nucleotide numbering;Ā  nucleotide +1 is the A of the ATG-translation initiation codon, the nucleotide 5' to +1 is numbered -1; there is no base 0non-coding regions; the nucleotide 5' of the ATG-translation initiation codon is -1the nucleotide 3' of the translation termination codon is *1 intronic nucleotides; beginning of the intron: the number of the last nucleotide of the preceeding exon, a plus sign and the position in the intron, e.g. 77+1G, 77+2T (when the exon number is known, the notation can also be described as IVS1+1G, IVS1+2T)end of the intron: the number of the first nucleotide of the following exon, a minus sign and the position upstream in the intron, e.g. 78-2A, 78-1G (when the exon number is known, the notation can also be described as IVS1-2A, IVS1-2G)for deletions, duplications or insertions in single nucleotide (or amino acid) stretches or tandem repeats, the most 3' copy is arbitrarily assigned to have been changed (e.g. ACTTTGTGCC to ACTTTGCC is described as 7_8delTG)Description of nucleotide changes substitutions are designated by a “>”-character 76A>C denotes that at nucleotide 76 a A is changed to a C88+1G>T (alternatively IVS2+1G>T) denotes the G to T substitution at nucleotide +1of intron 2, relative to the cDNA positioned between nucleotides 88 and 8989-2A>C (alternativelyIVS2-2A>C) denotes the A to C substitution at nucleotide -2 of intron 2, relative to the cDNA positioned between nucleotides 88 and 89NOTE: polymorphic variants are sometimes described as 76A/G, but this is not recommened ! e24fc04721

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